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added the KDE and GNOME questions into the FAQ file

SVN revision: 953
This commit is contained in:
Mandrake 1999-10-22 22:45:43 +00:00
parent 5f824e1a6a
commit 02ec22804c
1 changed files with 54 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -73,6 +73,60 @@ A: As described above, ALT + Right mouse button will give you the
window operations menu, ALT + Middle mouse button will resize the
iconbox and ALT+left mouse button will move it.
Q: How do I set up Enlightenment to work with GNOME?
A: By default, Enlightenment supports all of the GNOME hints. However, if you
want to run GMC you may notice that clicking on the root window does not
always have the desired effect (for dragging icons, GMC's root menus, etc).
If you want to use GMC with enlightenment, there are a couple of options. You
can use alt+leftmouse and alt+rightmouse to use the GMC root menus. Or, you
can edit the keybindings.cfg file to remove the bindings for your left and
mousebuttons. There is a copy of keybindings.cfg that will do this for you
that comes with enlightenment. in /path/to/enlightenment/configs/
copy the keybindings.gmc.cfg into your ~/.enlightenment directory. When you
restart, you will no longer have the left and right mousebuttons bound to
enlightenment. To modify your system configuration, copy over the
keybindings.cfg file in that directory. For your convenience, there is a
keybindings.nogmc.cfg in case you want to reverse this change at a later date.
NOTE: you may choose to use virtual areas instead of virtual desktops since
GMC does not handle clicks anywhere on the root window on desktops other than
If you want to start enlightenment from gnome-session, you should use the
gnome control-panel to select the new enlightenment as your window manager.
Warning: Enlightenment is slower when run from a session manager. You should
opt to run enlightenment and have enlightenment be your session manager
instead of running gnome-session. You can start "panel" and "gmc" by hand and
have enlightenment relaunch them as the preferred launch method. To do this,
once you have launched them by hand, alt-rightclick on them, select "Remember"
and then choose "Restart Application on Login".
Q: How do I set up Enlightenment to work with KDE?
A: By default, Enlightenment does not support the KDE hints. You can turn them
on easily through your settings menus, however. If you want to add support
automatically upon launch (which can be disabled by the autosaved user
configuration) then copy the control.kde.cfg to the ~/.enlightenment directory
and rename it to control.cfg. If you are doing this after launching
enlightenment for the first time, you will want to remove the line from your
~/.enlightenment/...e_session.XXXXXX file that looks like: <br>
1366 0
simply remove that line and start up enlightenment again.
If your "KDE Support" _settings(settings) panel still show KDE support
turned on, then
you can simply check the box there, and KDE support will remain on.
You can launch kpanel and/or kfm from your .xsession or .xinitrc files and
they will work correctly. If you want to edit the startkde script
(system-wide configuration change) find the line that contains kwm and replace
it with /path/to/enlightenment.