forked from e16/e16
Fork 0

120 lines
3.5 KiB

# Default button- and keybindings.
# Button binding definition line:
# <Button action> <Modifiers> <Button> <Action>
# Key binding definition line:
# <Key action> <Modifiers> <Key> <Action>
# <Button action>:
# MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseDouble, MouseIn, MouseOut
# <Key action>:
# KeyDown, KeyUp
# <Modifiers>: One or more of
# - None
# * Any
# A Alt
# C Ctrl
# S Shift
# 1-5 Modifier 1-5
# <Button>:
# Button number
# <Key>:
# Key name
# <Action>:
# Any IPC action. Use "eesh help full" to see possibilities.
# Global button bindings... specially named actionclass that applies to
# all client windows - so you can bind "alt - left click" to move the
# window, raise it or something....
MouseDown A 1 wop * mo ptr
MouseDown AS 1 wop = mo ptr
MouseDouble A 1 wop * shade
MouseDown A 2 wop * sz ptr
MouseDouble A 2 wop * th available
MouseDown A 3 menus show WINOPS_MENU
# Mouse presses on the desktop background ....
Aclass DESKBINDINGS normal
Tooltip Clicking your mouse on the desktop will perform
Tooltip the following actions
MouseDown - 1 menus show APPS_SUBMENU
Tooltip Display User Menus
MouseDown C 1 menus show ROOT_2
Tooltip Display Enlightenment Menu
MouseDown 4 1 menus show CONFIG_SUBMENU
Tooltip Display Settings Menu
MouseDown - 2 menus show ROOT_2
Tooltip Display Enlightenment Menu
MouseDown A 2 menus show windowlist
Tooltip Display Task List Menu
MouseDown C 2 menus show deskmenu
Tooltip Display Desktop Menu
MouseDown S 2 menus show groupmenu
Tooltip Display Group Menu
MouseDown - 3 menus show CONFIG_SUBMENU
Tooltip Display Settings Menu
MouseDown * 4 desk prev
Tooltip Go Back a Desktop
MouseDown * 5 desk next
Tooltip Go Forward a Desktop
# Default keybindings
Aclass KEYBINDINGS global
KeyDown CA Home misc arrange size
KeyDown CA Insert exec Eterm
#KeyDown CA v deskray?
KeyDown CA Delete exit logout
KeyDown CA End exit restart
KeyDown CA Right desk next
KeyDown CA Left desk prev
KeyDown CA Return desk this
KeyDown SA Down area move 0 1
KeyDown SA Up area move 0 -1
KeyDown SA Left area move -1 0
KeyDown SA Right area move 1 0
KeyDown A F1 desk goto 0
KeyDown A F2 desk goto 1
KeyDown A F3 desk goto 2
KeyDown A F4 desk goto 3
KeyDown A F5 desk goto 4
KeyDown A F6 desk goto 5
KeyDown A F7 desk goto 6
KeyDown A F8 desk goto 7
#KeyDown A F9 desk goto 8
#KeyDown A F10 desk goto 9
#KeyDown A F11 desk goto 10
#KeyDown A F12 desk goto 11
KeyDown A Tab focus next
#KeyDown C Tab warp screen
KeyDown CA Up wop * raise
KeyDown CA Down wop * lower
KeyDown CA x wop * close
KeyDown CA k wop * kill
KeyDown CA s wop * stick
KeyDown CA i wop * iconify
KeyDown CA r wop * shade
KeyDown CA f wop * fullscreen
KeyDown CA m wop * ts conservative
KeyDown CA w menus show WINOPS_MENU
KeyDown A Return wop * zoom
KeyDown CS F1 menus show APPS_SUBMENU
KeyDown CS F2 menus show ROOT_2
KeyDown CS F3 menus show CONFIG_SUBMENU
KeyDown CS F4 menus show windowlist
# The previously "unchangable" keybindings
KeyDown CA a button_show all
KeyDown CA b button_show
KeyDown CA c button_show buttons CONFIG*
KeyDown CA d desk dragbar dir
KeyDown CA o desk dragbar order