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* @brief Instantiates a new Edje object.
* @param evas A valid Evas handle, the canvas to place the new object
* in
* @return A handle to the new object created, or @c NULL on errors.
* This function creates a new Edje smart object, returning its @c
* Evas_Object handle. An Edje object is useless without a (source)
* file set to it, so you'd most probably call edje_object_file_set()
* afterwards, like in:
* @code
* Evas_Object *edje;
* edje = edje_object_add(canvas);
* if (!edje)
* {
* fprintf(stderr, "could not create edje object!\n");
* return NULL;
* }
* if (!edje_object_file_set(edje, "theme.edj", "group_name"))
* {
* int err = edje_object_load_error_get(edje);
* const char *errmsg = edje_load_error_str(err);
* fprintf(stderr, "could not load 'group_name' from theme.edj: %s",
* errmsg);
* evas_object_del(edje);
* return NULL;
* }
* @endcode
* @note You can get a callback every time edje re-calculates the object
* (either due to animation or some kind of signal or input). This is called
* in-line just after the recalculation has occurred. It is a good idea not
* to go and delete or alter the object inside this callbacks, simply make
* a note that the recalculation has taken place and then do something about
* it outside the callback. To register a callback use code like:
* @code
* evas_object_smart_callback_add(edje_obj, "recalc", my_cb, my_cb_data);
* @endcode
* @see evas_object_smart_callback_add()
* @note Before creating the first Edje object in your code, remember
* to initialize the library, with edje_init(), or unexpected behavior
* might occur.
EAPI Evas_Object *edje_object_add (Evas *evas);
* @brief Preloads the images on the Edje Object in the background.
* This function requests the preload of all data images (on the given object)
* in the background. The work is queued before being processed (because there
* might be other pending requests of this type). It emits a signal
* "preload,done" when finished.
* @note Use @c true on scenarios where you don't need the image data preloaded
* anymore.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] cancel @c false will add it the preloading work queue, @c true
* will remove it (if it was issued before).
* @return @c false if obj was not a valid Edje object otherwise @c true
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_preload(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool cancel);
* @brief Adds a callback for an arriving Edje signal, emitted by a given Edje
* object.
* Edje signals are one of the communication interfaces between code and a
* given Edje object's theme. With signals, one can communicate two string
* values at a time, which are: - "emission" value: the name of the signal, in
* general - "source" value: a name for the signal's context, in general
* Though there are those common uses for the two strings, one is free to use
* them however they like.
* Signal callback registration is powerful, in the way that blobs may be used
* to match multiple signals at once. All the "*?[\" set of @c fnmatch()
* operators can be used, both for emission and source.
* Edje has internal signals it will emit, automatically, on various actions
* taking place on group parts. For example, the mouse cursor being moved,
* pressed, released, etc., over a given part's area, all generate individual
* signals.
* By using something like edje_object_signal_callback_add(obj, "mouse,down,*",
* "button.*", signal_cb, NULL); being @ref "button.*" the pattern for the
* names of parts implementing buttons on an interface, you'd be registering
* for notifications on events of mouse buttons being pressed down on either of
* those parts (those events all have the @"mouse,down," common prefix on their
* names, with a suffix giving the button number). The actual emission and
* source strings of an event will be passed in as the emission and source
* parameters of the callback function (e.g. "mouse,down,2" and
* @"button.close"), for each of those events.
* @note See @ref edcref "the syntax" for EDC files See also
* @ref edje_object_signal_emit() on how to emits Edje signals from code to a
* an object @ref edje_object_signal_callback_del_full()
* @param[in] emission The signal's "emission" string
* @param[in] source The signal's "source" string
* @param[in] func The callback function to be executed when the signal is
* emitted.
* @param[in] data A pointer to data to pass in to func.
EAPI void edje_object_signal_callback_add(Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source, Edje_Signal_Cb func, void *data);
* @brief Sends/emits an Edje signal to a given Edje object
* This function sends a signal to the object obj. An Edje program, at obj's
* EDC specification level, can respond to a signal by having declared matching
* @'signal' and @'source' fields on its block (see @ref edcref "the syntax"
* for EDC files).
* See also @ref edje_object_signal_callback_add() for more on Edje signals.
* @param[in] emission The signal's "emission" string
* @param[in] source The signal's "source" string
EAPI void edje_object_signal_emit(Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source);
* @brief Removes a signal-triggered callback from an object.
* @param obj A valid Evas_Object handle.
* @param emission The emission string.
* @param source The source string.
* @param func The callback function.
* @return The data pointer
* This function removes a callback, previously attached to the
* emission of a signal, from the object @a obj. The parameters @a
* emission, @a source and @a func must match exactly those passed to
* a previous call to edje_object_signal_callback_add(). The data
* pointer that was passed to this call will be returned.
* @see edje_object_signal_callback_add().
* @see edje_object_signal_callback_del_full().
EAPI void *edje_object_signal_callback_del (Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source, Edje_Signal_Cb func);
* @brief Unregisters/deletes a callback set for an arriving Edje
* signal, emitted by a given Edje object.
* @param obj A handle to an Edje object
* @param emission The signal's "emission" string
* @param source The signal's "source" string
* @param func The callback function passed on the callback's
* registration
* @param data The pointer given to be passed as data to @p func
* @return @p data on success, or @c NULL on errors (or if @p data
* had this value)
* This function removes a callback, previously attached to the
* emission of a signal, from the object @a obj. The parameters
* @a emission, @a source, @a func and @a data must match exactly those
* passed to a previous call to edje_object_signal_callback_add(). The
* data pointer that was passed to this call will be returned.
* @see edje_object_signal_callback_add().
* @see edje_object_signal_callback_del().
EAPI void *edje_object_signal_callback_del_full(Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source, Edje_Signal_Cb func, void *data);
/** Edje file loading error codes one can get - see edje_load_error_str() too. */
typedef enum
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_NONE = 0, /**< No error happened, the loading was successful */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_GENERIC = 1, /**< A generic error happened during the loading */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 2, /**< The file pointed to did not exist */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED = 3, /**< Permission to read the given file was denied */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILED = 4, /**< Resource allocation failed during the loading */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE = 5, /**< The file pointed to was corrupt */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT = 6, /**< The file pointed to had an unknown format */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE = 7, /**< The file pointed to is incompatible, i.e., it doesn't
* match the library's current version's format */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COLLECTION = 8, /**< The group/collection set to load
* from was not found in the file */
EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_RECURSIVE_REFERENCE = 9 /**< The group/collection set to load from had
* <b>recursive references</b> on its components */
} Edje_Load_Error;
* @brief Gets the (last) file loading error for a given Edje object
* This function is meant to be used after an Edje EDJ file loading, what takes
* place with the edje_object_file_set() function. If that function does not
* return @c true, one should check for the reason of failure with this one.
* @ref edje_load_error_str()
* @return The Edje loading error, one of: - #EDJE_LOAD_ERROR_NONE -
EAPI Edje_Load_Error edje_object_load_error_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Converts the given Edje file load error code into a string
* describing it in English.
* @param error the error code, a value in ::Edje_Load_Error.
* @return Always returns a valid string. If the given @p error is not
* supported, <code>"Unknown error"</code> is returned.
* edje_object_file_set() is a function which sets an error value,
* afterwards, which can be fetched with
* edje_object_load_error_get(). The function in question is meant
* to be used in conjunction with the latter, for pretty-printing any
* possible error cause.
EAPI const char *edje_load_error_str (Edje_Load_Error error);
* @brief Retrieves the geometry of a given Edje part, in a given Edje object's
* group definition, relative to the object's area.
* This function gets the geometry of an Edje part within its group. The x and
* y coordinates are relative to the top left corner of the whole obj object's
* area.
* @note Use @c null pointers on the geometry components you're not interested
* in: they'll be ignored by the function.
* @note On failure, this function will make all non-$null geometry pointers'
* pointed variables be set to zero.
* @param[in] part The Edje part's name
* @param[out] x A pointer to a variable where to store the part's x coordinate
* @param[out] y A pointer to a variable where to store the part's y coordinate
* @param[out] w A pointer to a variable where to store the part's width
* @param[out] h A pointer to a variable where to store the part's height
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_geometry_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
2017-05-25 19:53:27 -07:00
* @brief Returns the state of the Edje part.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[out] val_ret Part state value
* @return The part state: "default" for the default state "" for other states
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const char *edje_object_part_state_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double *val_ret);
2017-05-25 19:53:27 -07:00
* @brief Gets a handle to the Evas object implementing a given Edje part, in
* an Edje object.
* This function gets a pointer of the Evas object corresponding to a given
* part in the obj object's group.
* You should never modify the state of the returned object (with @ref
* evas_object_move() or @ref evas_object_hide() for example), because it's
* meant to be managed by Edje, solely. You are safe to query information about
* its current state (with evas_object_visible_get() or @ref
* evas_object_color_get() for example), though.
* @note If the type of Edje part is GROUP, SWALLOW or EXTERNAL, returned
* handle by this function will indicate nothing or transparent rectangle for
* events. Use $.part_swallow_get() in that case.
* @param[in] part The Edje part's name
* @return A pointer to the Evas object implementing the given part, @c null on
* failure (e.g. the given part doesn't exist)
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const Efl_Canvas_Object *edje_object_part_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part);
* @brief Whether this object updates its size hints automatically.
* By default edje doesn't set size hints on itself. If this property is set to
* @c true, size hints will be updated after recalculation. Be careful, as
* recalculation may happen often, enabling this property may have a
* considerable performance impact as other widgets will be notified of the
* size hints changes.
* A layout recalculation can be triggered by @ref edje_object_size_min_calc(),
* @ref edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(),
* @ref edje_object_parts_extends_calc() or even any other internal event.
* Enable or disable auto-update of size hints.
* @param[in] update Whether or not update the size hints.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_update_hints_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool update);
* @brief Whether this object updates its size hints automatically.
* By default edje doesn't set size hints on itself. If this property is set to
* @c true, size hints will be updated after recalculation. Be careful, as
* recalculation may happen often, enabling this property may have a
* considerable performance impact as other widgets will be notified of the
* size hints changes.
* A layout recalculation can be triggered by @ref edje_object_size_min_calc(),
* @ref edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(),
* @ref edje_object_parts_extends_calc() or even any other internal event.
* Whether this object updates its size hints automatically.
* @return Whether or not update the size hints.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_update_hints_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Calculates the minimum required size for a given Edje object.
* This call works exactly as edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(), with the
* last two arguments set to 0. Please refer to its documentation, then.
* @param[out] minw The minimum required width (return value)
* @param[out] minh The minimum required height (return value)
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_size_min_calc(Evas_Object *obj, int *minw, int *minh);
* @brief Calculates the minimum required size for a given Edje object.
* This call will trigger an internal recalculation of all parts of the object,
* in order to return its minimum required dimensions for width and height. The
* user might choose to impose those minimum sizes, making the resulting
* calculation to get to values equal or larger than @c restrictedw and
* @c restrictedh, for width and height, respectively.
* @note At the end of this call, the object won't be automatically resized to
* the new dimensions, but just return the calculated sizes. The caller is the
* one up to change its geometry or not.
* @warning Be advised that invisible parts in the object will be taken into
* account in this calculation.
* @param[out] minw The minimum required width (return value)
* @param[out] minh The minimum required height (return value)
* @param[in] restrictedw The minimum width constraint as input, @c minw can
* not be lower than this
* @param[in] restrictedh The minimum height constraint as input, @c minh can
* not be lower than this
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(Evas_Object *obj, int *minw, int *minh, int restrictedw, int restrictedh);
* @brief Calculates the geometry of the region, relative to a given Edje
* object's area, occupied by all parts in the object.
* This function gets the geometry of the rectangle equal to the area required
* to group all parts in obj's group/collection. The x and y coordinates are
* relative to the top left corner of the whole obj object's area. Parts placed
* out of the group's boundaries will also be taken in account, so that x and y
* may be negative.
* @note On failure, this function will make all non-$null geometry pointers'
* pointed variables be set to zero.
* @param[out] x The parts region's X coordinate
* @param[out] y The parts region's Y coordinate
* @param[out] w The parts region's width
* @param[out] h The parts region's height
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_parts_extends_calc(Evas_Object *obj, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
* @brief Forces a Size/Geometry calculation.
* Forces the object to recalculate its layout regardless of freeze/thaw.
* See also @ref edje_object_freeze and @ref edje_object_thaw.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_calc_force(Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Freezes the Edje object.
* This function puts all changes on hold. Successive freezes will nest,
* requiring an equal number of thaws.
* See also @ref edje_object_thaw()
* @return The frozen state or 0 on error
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI int edje_object_freeze(Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Thaws the Edje object.
* This function thaws the given Edje object.
* @note If successive freezes were done, an equal number of thaws will be
* required.
* See also @ref edje_object_freeze()
* @return The frozen state or 0 if the object is not frozen or on error.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI int edje_object_thaw(Evas_Object *obj);
* @typedef (*Edje_Text_Change_Cb)
* Callback prototype for Edje_Text_Change.
* @param data User provided data to pass to the callback
* @param obj The Evas_Object
* @param part The edje part
typedef void (*Edje_Text_Change_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @}
* @brief Sets the object text callback.
* This function sets the callback to be called when the text changes.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] func The callback function to handle the text change
* @param[in] data The data associated to the callback function.
EAPI void edje_object_text_change_cb_set(Evas_Object *obj, Edje_Text_Change_Cb func, void *data);
* @ingroup Edje_Object_Communication_Interface_Message
* @{
typedef struct _Edje_Message_String Edje_Message_String;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_Int Edje_Message_Int;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_Float Edje_Message_Float;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_String_Set Edje_Message_String_Set;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_Int_Set Edje_Message_Int_Set;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_Float_Set Edje_Message_Float_Set;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_String_Int Edje_Message_String_Int;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_String_Float Edje_Message_String_Float;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_String_Int_Set Edje_Message_String_Int_Set;
typedef struct _Edje_Message_String_Float_Set Edje_Message_String_Float_Set;
struct _Edje_Message_String
char *str; /**< The message's string pointer */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING messages. The string in it is automatically freed Edje if passed to you by Edje */
struct _Edje_Message_Int
int val; /**< The message's value */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_INT messages */
struct _Edje_Message_Float
double val; /**< The message's value */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_FLOAT messages */
struct _Edje_Message_String_Set
int count; /**< The size of the message's array (may be greater than 1) */
char *str[1]; /**< The message's @b array of string pointers */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_SET messages. The array in it is automatically freed if passed to you by Edje */
struct _Edje_Message_Int_Set
int count; /**< The size of the message's array (may be greater than 1) */
int val[1]; /**< The message's @b array of integers */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_INT_SET messages. The array in it is automatically freed if passed to you by Edje */
struct _Edje_Message_Float_Set
int count; /**< The size of the message's array (may be greater than 1) */
double val[1]; /**< The message's @b array of floats */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_FLOAT_SET messages. The array in it is automatically freed if passed to you by Edje */
struct _Edje_Message_String_Int
char *str; /**< The message's string value */
int val; /**< The message's integer value */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_INT messages. The string in it is automatically freed if passed to you by Edje */
struct _Edje_Message_String_Float
char *str; /**< The message's string value */
double val; /**< The message's float value */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_FLOAT messages. The string in it is automatically freed if passed to you by Edje */
struct _Edje_Message_String_Int_Set
char *str; /**< The message's string value */
int count; /**< The size of the message's array (may be greater than 1) */
int val[1]; /**< The message's @b array of integers */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_INT_SET messages. The array and string in it are automatically freed if passed to you by Edje */
struct _Edje_Message_String_Float_Set
char *str; /**< The message's string value */
int count; /**< The size of the message's array (may be greater than 1) */
double val[1]; /**< The message's @b array of floats */
}; /**< Structure passed as value on #EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_FLOAT_SET messages. The array and string in it are automatically freed if passed to you by Edje */
/** Identifiers of Edje message types, which can be sent back and forth code
* and a given Edje object's theme file/group.
* @ref edje_object_message_send
* @ref edje_object_message_handler_set
typedef enum
EDJE_MESSAGE_NONE = 0, /**< No message type */
EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING = 2, /**< A message with a string as value. Use
* #Edje_Message_String structs as message body, for
* this type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_INT = 3, /**< A message with an integer number as value. Use
* #Edje_Message_Int structs as message body, for this
* type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_FLOAT = 4, /**< A message with a floating pointer number as
* value. Use #Edje_Message_Float structs as message
* body, for this type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_SET = 5, /**< A message with a list of strings as value.
* Use #Edje_Message_String_Set structs as
* message body, for this type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_INT_SET = 6, /**< A message with a list of integer numbers as
* value. Use #Edje_Message_Int_Set structs as
* message body, for this type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_FLOAT_SET = 7, /**< A message with a list of floating point
* numbers as value. Use #Edje_Message_Float_Set
* structs as message body, for this type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_INT = 8, /**< A message with a struct containing a string
* and an integer number as value. Use
* #Edje_Message_String_Int structs as message
* body, for this type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_FLOAT = 9, /**< A message with a struct containing a
* string and a floating point number as
* value. Use #Edje_Message_String_Float
* structs as message body, for this type. */
EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_INT_SET = 10, /**< A message with a struct containing a
* string and list of integer numbers as
* value. Use #Edje_Message_String_Int_Set
* structs as message body, for this type.
EDJE_MESSAGE_STRING_FLOAT_SET = 11 /**< A message with a struct containing a
* string and list of floating point
* numbers as value. Use
* #Edje_Message_String_Float_Set structs
* as message body, for this type. */
} Edje_Message_Type;
typedef void (*Edje_Message_Handler_Cb) (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Edje_Message_Type type, int id, void *msg); /**< Edje message handler callback functions's prototype definition. @c data will have the auxiliary data pointer set at the time the callback registration. @c obj will be a pointer the Edje object where the message comes from. @c type will identify the type of the given message and @c msg will be a pointer the message's contents, de facto, which depend on @c type. */
* @brief Sets an Edje message handler function for a given Edje object.
* For scriptable programs on an Edje object's defining EDC file which send
* messages with the send_message() primitive, one can attach handler
* functions, to be called in the code which creates that object (see @ref
* edcref "the syntax" for EDC files).
* This function associates a message handler function and the attached data
* pointer to the object obj.
* See also @ref edje_object_message_send()
* @param[in] func The function to handle messages coming from obj
* @param[in] data Auxiliary data to be passed to func
EAPI void edje_object_message_handler_set(Evas_Object *obj, Edje_Message_Handler_Cb func, void *data);
* @brief Sends an (Edje) message to a given Edje object
* This function sends an Edje message to obj and to all of its child objects,
* if it has any (swallowed objects are one kind of child object). type and msg
* must be matched accordingly, as documented in #Edje_Message_Type.
* The id argument as a form of code and theme defining a common interface on
* message communication. One should define the same IDs on both code and EDC
* declaration (see @ref edcref "the syntax" for EDC files), to individualize
* messages (binding them to a given context).
* The function to handle messages arriving from obj is set with
* edje_object_message_handler_set().
* @param[in] type The type of message to send to obj
* @param[in] id A identification number for the message to be sent
* @param[in] msg The message's body, a struct depending on type
EAPI void edje_object_message_send(Evas_Object *obj, Edje_Message_Type type, int id, void *msg);
* @brief Processes an object's message queue.
* This function goes through the object message queue processing the pending
* messages for this specific Edje object. Normally they'd be processed only
* at idle time. Child objects will not be affected.
* @see edje_object_message_signal_recursive_process
EAPI void edje_object_message_signal_process(Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Processes an object's message queue recursively.
* This function goes through the object message queue processing the pending
* messages for this specific Edje object. Normally they'd be processed only
* at idle time. This will also propagate the processing to all child objects.
* @see edje_object_message_signal_process
* @since 1.20
EAPI void edje_object_message_signal_recursive_process(Evas_Object *obj);
* @}
* @ingroup Edje_Object
* @{
* @brief Facility to query the type of the given parameter of the given part.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] param The parameter name to use
* @return @ref EDJE_EXTERNAL_PARAM_TYPE_MAX on errors, or another value from
* @ref Edje_External_Param_Type on success.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Edje_External_Param_Type edje_object_part_external_param_type_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char * param);
* @brief Sets the parameter for the external part.
* Parts of type external may carry extra properties that have meanings defined
* by the external plugin. For instance, it may be a string that defines a
* button label and setting this property will change that label on the fly.
* @note external parts have parameters set when they change states. Those
* parameters will never be changed by this function. The interpretation of how
* state_set parameters and param_set will interact is up to the external
* plugin.
* @note this function will not check if parameter value is valid using
* #Edje_External_Param_Info minimum, maximum, valid choices and others.
* However these should be checked by the underlying implementation provided by
* the external plugin. This is done for performance reasons.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] param The parameter details, including its name, type and actual
* value. This pointer should be valid, and the parameter must exist in
* #Edje_External_Type.parameters_info, with the exact type, otherwise the
* operation will fail and @c false will be returned.
* @return @c true if everything went fine, @c false on errors.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_external_param_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const Edje_External_Param *param);
* @brief Gets the parameter for the external part.
* Parts of type external may carry extra properties that have meanings defined
* by the external plugin. For instance, it may be a string that defines a
* button label. This property can be modified by state parameters, by explicit
* calls to edje_object_part_external_param_set() or getting the actual object
* with edje_object_part_external_object_get() and calling native functions.
* This function asks the external plugin what is the current value,
* independent on how it was set.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[out] param The parameter details. It is used as both input and output
* variable. This pointer should be valid, and the parameter must exist in
* #Edje_External_Type.parameters_info, with the exact type, otherwise the
* operation will fail and @c false will be returned.
* @return @c true if everything went fine and param members are filled with
* information, @c false on errors and param member values are not set or
* valid.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_external_param_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_External_Param *param);
* @brief Gets the object created by this external part.
* Parts of type external creates the part object using information provided by
* external plugins. It's somehow like "swallow" (edje_object_part_swallow()),
* but it's all set automatically.
* This function returns the part created by such external plugins and being
* currently managed by this Edje.
* @note Almost all swallow rules apply: you should not move, resize, hide,
* show, set the color or clipper of such part. It's a bit more restrictive as
* one must never delete this object!
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The externally created object, or @c null if there is none or part
* is not an external.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Evas_Object *edje_object_part_external_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part);
* @brief Gets an object contained in an part of type EXTERNAL
* The content string must not be @c null. Its actual value depends on the code
* providing the EXTERNAL.
* @param[in] part The name of the part holding the EXTERNAL
* @param[in] content A string identifying which content from the EXTERNAL to
* get
* @return Canvas object
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Evas_Object *edje_object_part_external_content_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *content);
* @}
2014-04-06 03:42:36 -07:00
* @deprecated use evas_object_size_hint_min_set() instead.
* @brief Sets the object minimum size.
2014-04-06 03:42:36 -07:00
* @param obj A valid Evas_Object handle
* @param minw The minimum width
* @param minh The minimum height
2014-04-06 03:42:36 -07:00
* This sets the minimum size restriction for the object.
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI void edje_extern_object_min_size_set (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord minw, Evas_Coord minh);
* @deprecated use evas_object_size_hint_max_set() instead.
* @brief Sets the object maximum size.
2014-04-06 03:42:36 -07:00
* @param obj A valid Evas_Object handle
* @param maxw The maximum width
* @param maxh The maximum height
2014-04-06 03:42:36 -07:00
* This sets the maximum size restriction for the object.
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI void edje_extern_object_max_size_set (Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord maxw, Evas_Coord maxh);
* @deprecated use evas_object_size_hint_aspect_set() instead.
* @brief Sets the object aspect size.
2014-04-06 03:42:36 -07:00
* @param obj A valid Evas_Object handle
* @param aspect The aspect control axes
* @param aw The aspect radio width
* @param ah The aspect ratio height
2014-04-06 03:42:36 -07:00
* This sets the desired aspect ratio to keep an object that will be
* swallowed by Edje. The width and height define a preferred size
* ASPECT and the object may be scaled to be larger or smaller, but
* retaining the relative scale of both aspect width and height.
EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI void edje_extern_object_aspect_set (Evas_Object *obj, Edje_Aspect_Control aspect, Evas_Coord aw, Evas_Coord ah);
* @brief Sets the @b EDJ file (and group within it) to load an Edje
* object's contents from
* @return @c EINA_TRUE on success, or @c EINA_FALSE on errors (check
* edje_object_load_error_get() after this call to get errors causes)
* Edje expects EDJ files, which are theming objects' descriptions and
* resources packed together in an EET file, to read Edje object
* definitions from. They usually are created with the @c .edj
* extension. EDJ files, in turn, are assembled from @b textual object
* description files, where one describes Edje objects declaratively
* -- the EDC files (see @ref edcref "the syntax" for those files).
* Those description files were designed so that many Edje object
* definitions -- also called @b groups (or collections) -- could be
* packed together <b>in the same EDJ file</b>, so that a whole
* application's theme could be packed in one file only. This is the
* reason for the @p group argument.
* Use this function after you instantiate a new Edje object, so that
* you can "give him life", telling where to get its contents from.
* @see edje_object_add()
* @see edje_object_file_get()
* @see edje_object_mmap_set()
* @param[in] file The path to the EDJ file to load @p from
* @param[in] group The name of the group, in @p file, which implements an
Edje object
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_file_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *file, const char *group);
* @brief Gets the file and group name that a given Edje object is bound to.
* This gets the EDJ file's path, with the respective group set for
* the given Edje object. If @a obj is either not an Edje file, or has
* not had its file/group set previously, by edje_object_file_set(),
* then both @p file and @p group will be set to @c NULL, indicating
* an error.
* @see edje_object_file_set()
* @note Use @c NULL pointers on the file/group components you're not
* interested in: they'll be ignored by the function.
* @param[out] file The path to the EDJ file to load @p from
* @param[out] group The name of the group, in @p file, which implements an
Edje object
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_file_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char **file, const char **group);
* @brief Sets the @b EDJ file (and group within it) to load an Edje
* object's contents from.
* @return @c EINA_TRUE on success, or @c EINA_FALSE on errors (check
* edje_object_load_error_get() after this call to get errors causes)
* Edje expects EDJ files, which are theming objects' descriptions and
* resources packed together in an EET file, to read Edje object
* definitions from. They usually are created with the @c .edj
* extension. EDJ files, in turn, are assembled from @b textual object
* description files, where one describes Edje objects declaratively
* -- the EDC files (see @ref edcref "the syntax" for those files).
* Those description files were designed so that many Edje object
* definitions -- also called @b groups (or collections) -- could be
* packed together <b>in the same EDJ file</b>, so that a whole
* application's theme could be packed in one file only. This is the
* reason for the @p group argument.
* Use this function after you instantiate a new Edje object, so that
* you can "give him life", telling where to get its contents from.
* @see edje_object_add()
* @see edje_object_file_get()
* @since 1.8
* @param[in] file The Eina.File pointing to the EDJ file to load @p from
* @param[in] group The name of the group, in @p file, which implements an
Edje object
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_mmap_set(Evas_Object *obj, const Eina_File *file, const char *group);
* @brief "Swallows" an object into one of the Edje object @c SWALLOW parts.
* Swallowing an object into an Edje object is, for a given part of type
* @c SWALLOW in the EDC group which gave life to obj, to set an external
* object to be controlled by obj, being displayed exactly over that part's
* region inside the whole Edje object's viewport.
* From this point on, obj will have total control over obj_swallow's geometry
* and visibility. For instance, if obj is visible, as in @ref
* evas_object_show(), the swallowed object will be visible too -- if the given
* @c SWALLOW part it's in is also visible. Other actions on obj will also
* reflect on the swallowed object as well (e.g. resizing, moving,
* raising/lowering, etc.).
* Finally, all internal changes to part, specifically, will reflect on the
* displaying of obj_swallow, for example state changes leading to different
* visibility states, geometries, positions, etc.
* If an object has already been swallowed into this part, then it will first
* be unswallowed (as in edje_object_part_unswallow()) before the new object is
* swallowed.
* @note obj won't delete the swallowed object once it is deleted --
* obj_swallow will get to an unparented state again.
* For more details on EDC @c SWALLOW parts, see @ref edcref "syntax
* reference".
* @param[in] obj_swallow The object to occupy that part
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_swallow(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *obj_swallow);
* @brief Gets the object currently swallowed by a part.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The swallowed object, or @c null if there is none.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Evas_Object *edje_object_part_swallow_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Unswallows an object.
* Causes the edje to regurgitate a previously swallowed object. :)
* @note obj_swallow will not be deleted or hidden. Note: obj_swallow may
* appear shown on the evas depending on its state when it got unswallowed.
* Make sure you delete it or hide it if you do not want it to.
* @param[in] obj_swallow The swallowed object
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_unswallow(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *obj_swallow);
* @brief Retrieves a list all accessibility part names
* @return A list all accessibility part names on obj
* @since 1.7.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_List *edje_object_access_part_list_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Appends an object to the box.
* Appends child to the box indicated by part.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_prepend(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_before(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_after() and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_at()
* @param[in] child The object to append
* @return @c true: Successfully added. @c false: An error occurred.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_box_append(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child);
* @brief Prepends an object to the box.
* Prepends child to the box indicated by part.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_append(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_before(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_after and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_at()
* @param[in] child The object to prepend
* @return @c true: Successfully added. @c false: An error occurred.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_box_prepend(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child);
* @brief Adds an object to the box.
* Inserts child in the box given by part, in the position marked by reference.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_append(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_prepend(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_after() and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_at()
* @param[in] child The object to insert
* @param[in] reference The object to be used as reference
* @return @c true: Successfully added. @c false: An error occurred.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_box_insert_before(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child, const Evas_Object *reference);
* @brief Adds an object to the box.
* Inserts child in the box given by part, in the position marked by reference.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_append(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_prepend(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_before() and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_at()
* @param[in] child The object to insert
* @param[in] reference The object to be used as reference
* @return @c true: Successfully added. @c false: An error occurred.
* @since 1.18
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_box_insert_after(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child, const Evas_Object *reference);
* @brief Inserts an object to the box.
* Adds child to the box indicated by part, in the position given by pos.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_append(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_prepend(),
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_before() and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_insert_after()
* @param[in] child The object to insert
* @param[in] pos The position where to insert child
* @return @c true: Successfully added. @c false: An error occurred.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_box_insert_at(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child, unsigned int pos);
* @brief Removes an object from the box.
* Removes from the box indicated by part, the object in the position pos.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_remove() and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_remove_all()
* @param[in] pos The position index of the object (starts counting from 0)
* @return Pointer to the object removed, or @c null.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Evas_Object *edje_object_part_box_remove_at(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, unsigned int pos);
* @brief Removes an object from the box.
* Removes child from the box indicated by part.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_remove_at() and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_remove_all()
* @param[in] child The object to remove
* @return Pointer to the object removed, or @c null.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Evas_Object *edje_object_part_box_remove(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child);
* @brief Removes all elements from the box.
* Removes all the external objects from the box indicated by part. Elements
* created from the theme will not be removed.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_box_remove() and
* @ref edje_object_part_box_remove_at()
* @param[in] clear Delete objects on removal
* @return 1: Successfully cleared. 0: An error occurred.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_box_remove_all(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Eina_Bool clear);
* @brief Packs an object into the table.
* Packs an object into the table indicated by part.
* @param[in] child_obj The object to pack in
* @param[in] col The column to place it in
* @param[in] row The row to place it in
* @param[in] colspan Columns the child will take
* @param[in] rowspan Rows the child will take
* @return @c true object was added, @c false on failure
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_table_pack(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child_obj, unsigned short col, unsigned short row, unsigned short colspan, unsigned short rowspan);
* @brief Removes an object from the table.
* Removes an object from the table indicated by part.
* @param[in] child_obj The object to pack in
* @return @c true object removed, @c false on failure
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_table_unpack(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *child_obj);
* @brief Gets the number of columns and rows the table has.
* Retrieves the size of the table in number of columns and rows.
* @param[out] cols Pointer where to store number of columns (can be @c null)
* @param[out] rows Pointer where to store number of rows (can be @c null)
* @return @c true get some data, @c false on failure
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_table_col_row_size_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, int *cols, int *rows);
* @brief Retrieves a child from a table
* @param[in] col The column of the child to get
* @param[in] row The row of the child to get
* @return The child Efl.Canvas.Object
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Evas_Object *edje_object_part_table_child_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, unsigned int col, unsigned int row);
* @brief Removes all object from the table.
* Removes all object from the table indicated by part, except the internal
* ones set from the theme.
* @param[in] clear If set, will delete subobjs on remove
* @return @c true clear the table, @c false on failure
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_table_clear(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Eina_Bool clear);
* @brief Sets the object color class.
* This function sets the color values for an object level color class. This
* will cause all edje parts in the specified object that have the specified
* color class to have their colors multiplied by these values.
* The first color is the object, the second is the text outline, and the third
* is the text shadow. (Note that the second two only apply to text parts).
* Setting color emits a signal "color_class,set" with source being the given
* color.
* @note unlike Evas, Edje colors are not pre-multiplied. That is,
* half-transparent white is 255 255 255 128.
* @param[in] color_class The name of color class
* @param[in] r Object Red value
* @param[in] g Object Green value
* @param[in] b Object Blue value
* @param[in] a Object Alpha value
* @param[in] r2 Outline Red value
* @param[in] g2 Outline Green value
* @param[in] b2 Outline Blue value
* @param[in] a2 Outline Alpha value
* @param[in] r3 Shadow Red value
* @param[in] g3 Shadow Green value
* @param[in] b3 Shadow Blue value
* @param[in] a3 Shadow Alpha value
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_color_class_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * color_class, int r, int g, int b, int a, int r2, int g2, int b2, int a2, int r3, int g3, int b3, int a3);
* @brief Gets the object color class.
* This function gets the color values for an object level color class. If no
* explicit object color is set, then global values will be used.
* The first color is the object, the second is the text outline, and the third
* is the text shadow. (Note that the second two only apply to text parts).
* @note unlike Evas, Edje colors are not pre-multiplied. That is,
* half-transparent white is 255 255 255 128.
* @param[in] color_class The name of color class
* @param[out] r Object Red value
* @param[out] g Object Green value
* @param[out] b Object Blue value
* @param[out] a Object Alpha value
* @param[out] r2 Outline Red value
* @param[out] g2 Outline Green value
* @param[out] b2 Outline Blue value
* @param[out] a2 Outline Alpha value
* @param[out] r3 Shadow Red value
* @param[out] g3 Shadow Green value
* @param[out] b3 Shadow Blue value
* @param[out] a3 Shadow Alpha value
* @return true if found or false if not found and all values are zeroed.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_color_class_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * color_class, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a, int *r2, int *g2, int *b2, int *a2, int *r3, int *g3, int *b3, int *a3);
* @brief Delete the object color class.
* This function deletes any values at the object level for the specified
* object and color class.
* Deleting the color class will revert it to the values defined by
* edje_color_class_set() or the color class defined in the theme file.
* Deleting the color class will emit the signal "color_class,del" for the
* given Edje object.
* @param[in] color_class The color class to be deleted.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_color_class_del(Evas_Object *obj, const char *color_class);
* @brief Delete all color classes defined in object level.
* This function deletes any color classes defined in object level.
* Clearing color classes will revert the color of all edje parts to
* the values defined in global level or theme file.
* @return @c true, on success or @c false, on error
* @since 1.17.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_color_class_clear(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Sets Edje text class.
* This function sets the text class for the Edje.
* @param[in] text_class The text class name
* @param[in] font Font name
* @param[in] size Font Size
* @return @c true, on success or @c false, on error
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_text_class_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * text_class, const char *font, Evas_Font_Size size);
* @brief Gets font and font size from edje text class.
* This function gets the font and the font size from the object text class.
* The font string will only be valid until the text class is changed or the
* edje object is deleted.
* @param[in] text_class The text class name
* @param[out] font Font name
* @param[out] size Font Size
* @return @c true, on success or @c false, on error
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_text_class_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * text_class, const char **font, Evas_Font_Size *size);
* @brief Delete the object text class.
* This function deletes any values at the object level for the specified
* object and text class.
* Deleting the text class will revert it to the values defined by
* edje_text_class_set() or the text class defined in the theme file.
* @param[in] text_class The color class to be deleted.
* @since 1.17
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_text_class_del(Evas_Object *obj, const char *text_class);
* @brief Sets the object size class.
* This function sets the min and max values for an object level size class.
* This will make all edje parts in the specified object that have the
* specified size class update their min and max size with given values.
* @param[in] size_class The size class name
* @param[in] minw The min width
* @param[in] minh The min height
* @param[in] maxw The max width
* @param[in] maxh The max height
* @return @c true, on success or @c false, on error
* @since 1.17
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_size_class_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * size_class, int minw, int minh, int maxw, int maxh);
* @brief Gets the object size class.
* This function gets the min and max values for an object level size class.
* These values will only be valid until the size class is changed or the edje
* object is deleted.
* @param[in] size_class The size class name
* @param[out] minw The min width
* @param[out] minh The min height
* @param[out] maxw The max width
* @param[out] maxh The max height
* @return @c true, on success or @c false, on error
* @since 1.17
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_size_class_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * size_class, int *minw, int *minh, int *maxw, int *maxh);
* @brief Delete the object size class.
* This function deletes any values at the object level for the specified
* object and size class.
* Deleting the size class will revert it to the values defined by
* edje_size_class_set() or the color class defined in the theme file.
* @param[in] size_class Size class name
* @since 1.17
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_size_class_del(Evas_Object *obj, const char *size_class);
* @brief Enables selection if the entry is an EXPLICIT selection mode type.
* The default is to not allow selection. This function only affects user
* selection, functions such as edje_object_part_text_select_all() and
* edje_object_part_text_select_none() are not affected.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] allow true to enable, false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_select_allow_set(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Eina_Bool allow);
* @brief Sets the RTL orientation for this object.
* @param[in] rtl New value of flag @c true/$false
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_mirrored_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool rtl);
* @brief Gets the RTL orientation for this object.
* You can RTL orientation explicitly with edje_object_mirrored_set.
* @return New value of flag @c true/$false
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_mirrored_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Sets the language for this object.
* @param[in] language The language value
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_language_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *language);
* @brief Gets the language for this object.
* @return The language value
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const char *edje_object_language_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Sets the scaling factor for a given Edje object.
* This function sets an individual scaling factor on the obj Edje object.
* This property (or Edje's global scaling factor, when applicable), will
* affect this object's part sizes. If scale is not zero, than the individual
* scaling will override any global scaling set, for the object obj's parts.
* Put it back to zero to get the effects of the global scaling again.
* @warning Only parts which, at EDC level, had the @"scale" property set to
* @1, will be affected by this function. Check the complete @ref edcref
* "syntax reference" for EDC files.
* See also @ref edje_object_scale_get() @ref edje_scale_get() for more details
* @param[in] scale The scaling factor (the default value is @0.0, meaning
* individual scaling not set)
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_scale_set(Evas_Object *obj, double scale);
* @brief Gets a given Edje object's scaling factor.
* This function returns the individual scaling factor set on the obj Edje
* object.
* See also @ref edje_object_scale_set() for more details
* @return The scaling factor (the default value is @0.0, meaning individual
* scaling not set)
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI double edje_object_scale_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Gets a given Edje object's base_scale factor.
* This function returns the base_scale factor set on the obj Edje object. The
* base_scale can be set in the collection of edc. If it isn't set, the default
* value is 1.0
* @return The base_scale factor (the default value is @ 1.0, that means the
* edc file is made based on scale 1.0.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI double edje_object_base_scale_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @defgroup Edje_Part_Drag Edje Drag
* @ingroup Edje_Object_Part
* @brief Functions that deal with dragable parts.
* To create a movable part it must be declared as dragable
* in EDC file. To do so, one must define a "dragable" block inside
* the "part" block.
* These functions are used to set dragging properties to a
* part or get dragging information about it.
* @see @ref tutorial_edje_drag *
* @{
typedef enum _Edje_Drag_Dir
} Edje_Drag_Dir;
* @brief Sets the dragable object location.
* Places the dragable object at the given location.
* Values for dx and dy are real numbers that range from 0 to 1, representing
* the relative position to the dragable area on that axis.
* This value means, for the vertical axis, that 0.0 will be at the top if the
* first parameter of @c y in the dragable part theme is 1, and at bottom if it
* is -1.
* For the horizontal axis, 0.0 means left if the first parameter of @c x in
* the dragable part theme is 1, and right if it is -1.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_value_get()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] dx The x value
* @param[in] dy The y value
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_value_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double dx, double dy);
* @brief Gets the dragable object location.
* Values for dx and dy are real numbers that range from 0 to 1, representing
* the relative position to the dragable area on that axis.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_value_set()
* Gets the drag location values.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[out] dx The x value
* @param[out] dy The y value
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_value_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double *dx, double *dy);
* @brief Sets the dragable object size.
* Values for dw and dh are real numbers that range from 0 to 1, representing
* the relative size of the dragable area on that axis.
* Sets the size of the dragable object.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_size_get()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] dw The drag width
* @param[in] dh The drag height
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_size_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double dw, double dh);
* @brief Gets the dragable object size.
* Gets the dragable object size.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_size_set()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[out] dw The drag width
* @param[out] dh The drag height
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_size_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double *dw, double *dh);
* @brief Determines dragable directions.
* The dragable directions are defined in the EDC file, inside the @ref
* dragable section, by the attributes @c x and @c y. See the @ref edcref for
* more information.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return #EDJE_DRAG_DIR_NONE: Not dragable #EDJE_DRAG_DIR_X: Dragable in X
* direction #EDJE_DRAG_DIR_Y: Dragable in Y direction #EDJE_DRAG_DIR_XY:
* Dragable in X & Y directions
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Edje_Drag_Dir edje_object_part_drag_dir_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part);
* @brief Sets the drag step increment.
* Sets the x,y step increments for a dragable object.
* Values for dx and dy are real numbers that range from 0 to 1, representing
* the relative size of the dragable area on that axis by which the part will
* be moved.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_step_get()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] dx The x step amount
* @param[in] dy The y step amount
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_step_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double dx, double dy);
* @brief Gets the drag step increment values.
* Gets the x and y step increments for the dragable object.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_step_set()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[out] dx The x step amount
* @param[out] dy The y step amount
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_step_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double *dx, double *dy);
* @brief Steps the dragable x,y steps.
* Steps x,y where the step increment is the amount set by
* @ref edje_object_part_drag_step_set().
* Values for dx and dy are real numbers that range from 0 to 1.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_page()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] dx The x step
* @param[in] dy The y step
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_step(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, double dx, double dy);
* @brief Sets the page step increments.
* Sets the x,y page step increment values.
* Values for dx and dy are real numbers that range from 0 to 1, representing
* the relative size of the dragable area on that axis by which the part will
* be moved.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_page_get()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] dx The x page step increment
* @param[in] dy The y page step increment
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_page_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double dx, double dy);
* @brief Gets the page step increments.
* Gets the x,y page step increments for the dragable object.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_page_set()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[out] dx The x page step increment
* @param[out] dy The y page step increment
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_page_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, double *dx, double *dy);
* @brief Pages x,y steps.
* Pages x,y where the increment is defined by
* @ref edje_object_part_drag_page_set().
* Values for dx and dy are real numbers that range from 0 to 1.
* @warning Paging is bugged!
* See also @ref edje_object_part_drag_step()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] dx The x step
* @param[in] dy The y step
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Part_Drag
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_drag_page(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, double dx, double dy);
* @}
* @brief Sets a given text to an Edje object @c TEXT or TEXTBLOCK
* parts.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] text The text to set on that part
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_set(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *text);
* @brief Gets the text currntly set to the given part
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The text set on the part, @c null otherwise.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const char * edje_object_part_text_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text part @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_first
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to work on
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_cursor_begin_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Moves the cursor to the end of the text part. @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_last
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to work on
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_cursor_end_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Sets the cursor position to the given value
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The cursor to move
* @param[in] pos The position of the cursor
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_cursor_pos_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, Edje_Cursor cur, int pos);
* @brief Retrieves the current position of the cursor
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The cursor to move
* @return The position of the cursor
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI int edje_object_part_text_cursor_pos_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Position the given cursor to a X,Y position.
* This is frequently used with the user cursor.
* @param[in] part The part containing the object.
* @param[in] cur The cursor to adjust.
* @param[in] x X Coordinate.
* @param[in] y Y Coordinate.
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_cursor_coord_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur, int x, int y);
* @brief Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_line_char_first
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to work on
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_cursor_line_begin_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Moves the cursor to the end of the line. @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_line_char_last
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to work on
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_cursor_line_end_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Moves the cursor to the previous char @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_char_prev
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to work on
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_cursor_prev(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Advances the cursor to the next cursor position. @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_char_next
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to advance
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_cursor_next(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Moves the cursor to the char above the current cursor position.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to work on
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_cursor_up(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Moves the cursor to the char below the current cursor position.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The edje cursor to work on
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_cursor_down(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Copies the cursor to another cursor.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] src The cursor to copy from
* @param[in] dst The cursor to copy to
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_cursor_copy(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Cursor src, Edje_Cursor dst);
* @brief Returns the content (char) at the cursor position. @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_content_get
* You must free the return (if not @c null) after you are done with it.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The cursor to use
* @return The character string pointed to (may be a multi-byte utf8 sequence)
* terminated by a null byte.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI char *edje_object_part_text_cursor_content_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Returns the cursor geometry of the part relative to the edje object.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[out] x Cursor X position
* @param[out] y Cursor Y position
* @param[out] w Cursor width
* @param[out] h Cursor height
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_cursor_geometry_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
* @brief Hides visible last character for password mode.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return @c true if the visible character is hidden. @c false if there is no
* visible character or the object is not set for password mode.
* @since 1.18.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_hide_visible_password(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Returns whether the cursor points to a format. @ref
* evas_textblock_cursor_is_format
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The cursor to adjust.
* @return @c true if the cursor points to a format, @c false otherwise.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_cursor_is_format_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Returns @c true if the cursor points to a visible format For example
* \\t, \\n, item and etc. @ref evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] cur The cursor to adjust.
* @return @c true if the cursor points to a visible format, @c false
* otherwise.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_cursor_is_visible_format_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, Edje_Cursor cur);
* @brief Returns a list of Evas_Textblock_Rectangle anchor rectangles.
* This function return a list of Evas_Textblock_Rectangle anchor rectangles.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] anchor The anchor name
* @return The list of anchor rects (const Evas_Textblock_Rectangle *), do not
* modify! Geometry is relative to entry part.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const Eina_List *edje_object_part_text_anchor_geometry_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, const char * anchor);
* @brief Returns a list of char anchor names.
* This function returns a list of char anchor names.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The list of anchors (const char *), do not modify!
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const Eina_List *edje_object_part_text_anchor_list_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part);
* @brief Returns the text of the object part.
* This function returns the style associated with the textblock part.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The text string
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const char *edje_object_part_text_style_user_peek(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the style of the
* This function sets the style associated with the textblock part.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] style The style to set (textblock conventions).
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_style_user_push(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *style);
* @brief Deletes the top style form the user style stack.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_style_user_pop(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Returns item geometry.
* This function return a list of Evas_Textblock_Rectangle item rectangles.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] item The item name
* @param[out] cx Item x return (relative to entry part)
* @param[out] cy Item y return (relative to entry part)
* @param[out] cw Item width return
* @param[out] ch Item height return
* @return $1 if item exists, $0 if not
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_item_geometry_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, const char * item, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch);
* @brief Returns a list of char item names.
* This function returns a list of char item names.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The list of items (const char *), do not modify!
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const Eina_List *edje_object_part_text_item_list_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part);
* @brief Adds a filter function for newly inserted text.
* Whenever text is inserted (not the same as set) into the given part, the
* list of filter functions will be called to decide if and how the new text
* will be accepted. There are three types of filters, EDJE_TEXT_FILTER_TEXT,
* the func filter can be modified by the user and it's up to him to free the
* one passed if he's to change the pointer. If doing so, the newly set text
* should be malloc'ed, as once all the filters are called Edje will free it.
* If the text is to be rejected, freeing it and setting the pointer to @c null
* will make Edje break out of the filter cycle and reject the inserted text.
* @warning This function will be deprecated because of difficulty in use. The
* type(format, text, or markup) of text should be always checked in the filter
* function for correct filtering. Please use
* edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_add() instead. There is no need to
* check the type of text in the filter function because the text is always
* markup. Warning: If you use this function with
* edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_add() together, all
* Edje_Text_Filter_Cb functions and Edje_Markup_Filter_Cb functions will be
* executed, and then filtered text will be inserted.
* See also @ref edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_del,
* @ref edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_del_full and
* @ref edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_add
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] func The callback function that will act as filter
* @param[in] data User provided data to pass to the filter function
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_add(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Text_Filter_Cb func, void *data);
* @brief Deletes a function from the filter list.
* Delete the given func filter from the list in part. Returns the user data
* pointer given when added.
* See also @ref edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_add and
* @ref edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_del_full
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] func The function callback to remove
* @return The user data pointer if successful, or @c null otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void *edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_del(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Text_Filter_Cb func);
* @brief Deletes a function and matching user data from the filter list.
* Delete the given func filter and data user data from the list in part.
* Returns the user data pointer given when added.
* See also @ref edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_add and
* @ref edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_del
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] func The function callback to remove
* @param[in] data The data passed to the callback function
* @return The same data pointer if successful, or @c null otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void *edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_del_full(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Text_Filter_Cb func, void *data);
* @brief Adds a markup filter function for newly inserted text.
* Whenever text is inserted (not the same as set) into the given part, the
* list of markup filter functions will be called to decide if and how the new
* text will be accepted. The text parameter in the func filter is always
* markup. It can be modified by the user and it's up to him to free the one
* passed if he's to change the pointer. If doing so, the newly set text should
* be malloc'ed, as once all the filters are called Edje will free it. If the
* text is to be rejected, freeing it and setting the pointer to @c null will
* make Edje break out of the filter cycle and reject the inserted text. This
* function is different from edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_add() in
* that the text parameter in the func filter is always markup.
* @warning If you use this function with
* edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_add() together, all
* Edje_Text_Filter_Cb functions and Edje_Markup_Filter_Cb functions will be
* executed, and then filtered text will be inserted.
* See also @ref edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_del,
* @ref edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_del_full and
* @ref edje_object_text_insert_filter_callback_add
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] func The callback function that will act as markup filter
* @param[in] data User provided data to pass to the filter function
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_add(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Markup_Filter_Cb func, void *data);
* @brief Deletes a function from the markup filter list.
* Delete the given func filter from the list in part. Returns the user data
* pointer given when added.
* See also @ref edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_add and
* @ref edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_del_full
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] func The function callback to remove
* @return The user data pointer if successful, or @c null otherwise
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void *edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_del(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Markup_Filter_Cb func);
* @brief Deletes a function and matching user data from the markup filter
* list.
* Delete the given func filter and data user data from the list in part.
* Returns the user data pointer given when added.
* See also @ref edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_add and
* @ref edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_del
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] func The function callback to remove
* @param[in] data The data passed to the callback function
* @return The same data pointer if successful, or @c null otherwise
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void *edje_object_text_markup_filter_callback_del_full(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Markup_Filter_Cb func, void *data);
* @brief This function inserts text as if the user has inserted it.
* This means it actually registers as a change and emits signals, triggers
* callbacks as appropriate.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] text The text string
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_user_insert(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *text);
* @brief Inserts text for an object part.
* This function inserts the text for an object part at the end; It does not
* move the cursor.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] text The text string
* @since 1.1
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_append(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *text);
* @brief Sets the text for an object part, but converts HTML escapes to UTF8
* This converts the given string text to UTF8 assuming it contains HTML style
* escapes like "&amp;" and "&copy;" etc. IF the part is of type TEXT, as
* opposed to TEXTBLOCK.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] text The text string
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @since 1.2
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_escaped_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *text);
* @brief Sets the raw (non escaped) text for an object part.
* This function will not do escape for you if it is a TEXTBLOCK part, that is,
* if text contain tags, these tags will not be interpreted/parsed by
* See also @ref edje_object_part_text_unescaped_get().
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] text_to_escape The text string
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_unescaped_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char * part, const char *text_to_escape);
* @brief Returns the text of the object part, without escaping.
* This function is the counterpart of
* @ref edje_object_part_text_unescaped_set(). Please notice that the result is
* newly allocated memory and should be released with free() when done.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_text_unescaped_set().
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The text string
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI char *edje_object_part_text_unescaped_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char * part);
* @brief Inserts text for an object part.
* This function inserts the text for an object part just before the cursor
* position.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] text The text string
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_insert(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *text);
* @brief Sets the autocapitalization type on the immodule.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] autocapital_type The type of autocapitalization
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_autocapital_type_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Text_Autocapital_Type autocapital_type);
* @brief Retrieves the autocapitalization type
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The type of autocapitalization
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Edje_Text_Autocapital_Type edje_object_part_text_autocapital_type_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets whether the prediction is allowed or not.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] prediction If @c true, the prediction feature is allowed.
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_prediction_allow_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Eina_Bool prediction);
* @brief Gets whether the prediction is allowed or not.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return If @c true, the prediction feature is allowed.
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_prediction_allow_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Gets the input method context in entry.
* If ecore_imf was not available when edje was compiled, this function returns
* @c null otherwise, the returned pointer is an Ecore_IMF
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The input method context (Ecore_IMF_Context *) in entry
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void *edje_object_part_text_imf_context_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Resets the input method context if needed.
* This can be necessary in the case where modifying the buffer would confuse
* on-going input method behavior
* @param[in] part The part name
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_imf_context_reset(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the input hint which allows input methods to fine-tune their
* behavior.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] input_hints Input hints
* @since 1.12.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_hint_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Input_Hints input_hints);
* @brief Gets the value of input hint
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return Input hints
* @since 1.12.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Edje_Input_Hints edje_object_part_text_input_hint_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Shows the input panel (virtual keyboard) based on the input panel
* property such as layout, autocapital types, and so on.
* Note that input panel is shown or hidden automatically according to the
* focus state. This API can be used in the case of manually controlling by
* using edje_object_part_text_input_panel_enabled_set.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_show(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Hides the input panel (virtual keyboard). See also
* @ref edje_object_part_text_input_panel_show
* Note that input panel is shown or hidden automatically according to the
* focus state. This API can be used in the case of manually controlling by
* using edje_object_part_text_input_panel_enabled_set.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_hide(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the input panel-specific data to deliver to the input panel.
* This API is used by applications to deliver specific data to the input
* panel. The data format MUST be negotiated by both application and the input
* panel. The size and format of data are defined by the input panel.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] data The specific data to be set to the input panel.
* @param[in] len The length of data, in bytes, to send to the input panel
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_imdata_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const void *data, int len);
* @brief Gets the specific data of the current active input panel.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] data The specific data to be set to the input panel.
* @param[out] len The length of data, in bytes, to send to the input panel
* @return FIXME: void needed here?
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_imdata_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, void *data, int *len);
* @brief Sets the layout of the input panel.
* The layout of the input panel or virtual keyboard can make it easier or
* harder to enter content. This allows you to hint what kind of input you are
* expecting to enter and thus have the input panel automatically come up with
* the right mode.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] layout Layout type of the input panel
* @since 1.1
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_layout_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Input_Panel_Layout layout);
* @brief Gets the layout of the input panel.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_text_input_panel_layout_set
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return Layout type of the input panel
* @since 1.1
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Edje_Input_Panel_Layout edje_object_part_text_input_panel_layout_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the language mode of the input panel.
* This API can be used if you want to show the Alphabet keyboard.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] lang The language to be set to the input panel.
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_language_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Input_Panel_Lang lang);
* @brief Gets the language mode of the input panel.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_text_input_panel_language_set for more
* details.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The language to be set to the input panel.
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Edje_Input_Panel_Lang edje_object_part_text_input_panel_language_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the layout variation of the input panel.
* The layout variation of the input panel or virtual keyboard can make it
* easier or harder to enter content. This allows you to hint what kind of
* input you are expecting to enter and thus have the input panel automatically
* come up with the right mode.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] variation Layout variation type
* @since 1.8
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_layout_variation_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, int variation);
* @brief Gets the layout variation of the input panel.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_text_input_panel_layout_variation_set
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return Layout variation type
* @since 1.8
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI int edje_object_part_text_input_panel_layout_variation_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the attribute to show the input panel automatically.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] enabled If @c true, the input panel is appeared when entry is
* clicked or has a focus
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_enabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Eina_Bool enabled);
* @brief Retrieves the attribute to show the input panel automatically. See
* also @ref edje_object_part_text_input_panel_enabled_set
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return If @c true, the input panel is appeared when entry is clicked or has
* a focus
* @since 1.1.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_input_panel_enabled_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the return key on the input panel to be disabled.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] disabled The state
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_return_key_disabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Eina_Bool disabled);
* @brief Gets whether the return key on the input panel should be disabled or
* not.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The state
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_input_panel_return_key_disabled_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the "return" key type. This type is used to set string or icon
* on the "return" key of the input panel.
* An input panel displays the string or icon associated with this type
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] return_key_type The type of "return" key on the input panel
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_return_key_type_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Edje_Input_Panel_Return_Key_Type return_key_type);
* @brief Gets the "return" key type.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_text_input_panel_return_key_type_set() for
* more details
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The type of "return" key on the input panel
* @since 1.2.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Edje_Input_Panel_Return_Key_Type edje_object_part_text_input_panel_return_key_type_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the attribute to show the input panel in case of only an user's
* explicit Mouse Up event. It doesn't request to show the input panel even
* though it has focus.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] ondemand If @c true, the input panel will be shown in case of
* only Mouse up event. (Focus event will be ignored.)
* @since 1.9.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_input_panel_show_on_demand_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Eina_Bool ondemand);
* @brief Gets the attribute to show the input panel in case of only an user's
* explicit Mouse Up event.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return If @c true, the input panel will be shown in case of only Mouse up
* event. (Focus event will be ignored.)
* @since 1.9.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_input_panel_show_on_demand_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the prediction hint to use an intelligent reply suggestion
* service.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] prediction_hint Prediction hint
* @since 1.20.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_prediction_hint_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *prediction_hint);
* @brief Sets the prediction hint data at the specified key.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] key The key of the prediction hint
* @param[in] value The data to replace
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @since 1.21.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_prediction_hint_hash_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *key, const char *value);
* @brief Removes the prediction hint data identified by a key
* @param[in] part The part name
* @param[in] key The key of the prediction hint
* @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise
* @since 1.21.0
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_text_prediction_hint_hash_del(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *key);
* @brief Starts selecting at current cursor position
* @param[in] part The part name
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_select_begin(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Aborts any selection action on a part.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_select_abort(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Extends the current selection to the current cursor position
* @param[in] part The part name
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_select_extend(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the selection to be everything.
* This function selects all text of the object of the part.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_select_all(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the selection to be none.
* This function sets the selection text to be none.
* @param[in] part The part name
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_part_text_select_none(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Returns the selection text of the object part.
* This function returns selection text of the object part.
* See also @ref edje_object_part_text_select_all() and
* @ref edje_object_part_text_select_none()
* @param[in] part The part name
* @return The text string
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const char *edje_object_part_text_selection_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Whether this object is playing or not.
* This property indicates whether the object is running or not. If stopped (or
* paused), all transitions are disabled and programs stop running, until
* resumed.
* If play is disabled, the object will remain the same, and its parts will not
* change state. Note that play can be disabled during a transition between
* states, effectively freezing the object in flight. When paused, no events
* will be processed or sent.
* Setting to @c true resumes playing from the current state.
* Start or stop playing programs in this object.
* @param[in] play The play state, @c true by default.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_play_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool play);
* @brief Whether this object is playing or not.
* This property indicates whether the object is running or not. If stopped (or
* paused), all transitions are disabled and programs stop running, until
* resumed.
* If play is disabled, the object will remain the same, and its parts will not
* change state. Note that play can be disabled during a transition between
* states, effectively freezing the object in flight. When paused, no events
* will be processed or sent.
* Setting to @c true resumes playing from the current state.
* Get the current state of play, @c true by default.
* @return The play state, @c true by default.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_play_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Transition duration factor.
* This defines a multiplier for the duration of transitions as they are
* defined in EDC. By default this factor is 1.0, which means animations play
* at the same speed as described in EDC.
* Sets transition duration factor.
* @param[in] scale The transition duration factor.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_transition_duration_factor_set(Evas_Object *obj, double scale);
* @brief Transition duration factor.
* This defines a multiplier for the duration of transitions as they are
* defined in EDC. By default this factor is 1.0, which means animations play
* at the same speed as described in EDC.
* Gets transition duration factor.
* @return The transition duration factor.
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI double edje_object_transition_duration_factor_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @brief Gets the minimum size specified -- as an EDC property -- for a given
* Edje object
* This function retrieves the obj object's minimum size values, as declared in
* its EDC group definition. For instance, for an Edje object of minimum size
* 100x100 pixels: collections { group { name: "a_group"; min: 100 100; } }
* @note If the @c min EDC property was not declared for this object, this call
* will return 0x0.
* @note On failure, this function also return 0x0.
* See also @ref edje_object_size_max_get.
* @param[out] minw Pointer to a variable where to store the minimum width
* @param[out] minh Pointer to a variable where to store the minimum height
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_size_min_get(const Evas_Object *obj, int *minw, int *minh);
* @brief Gets the maximum size specified -- as an EDC property -- for a given
* Edje object
* This function retrieves the object's maximum size values, as declared in its
* EDC group definition. For instance, for an Edje object of maximum size
* 100x100 pixels: collections { group { name: "a_group"; max: 100 100; } }
* @note If the @c max EDC property was not declared for the object, this call
* will return the maximum size a given Edje object may have, for each axis.
* @note On failure, this function will return 0x0.
* See also @ref edje_object_size_min_get.
* @param[out] maxw The maximum width
* @param[out] maxh The maximum height
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_size_max_get(const Evas_Object *obj, int *maxw, int *maxh);
* @brief Checks if a part exists in a given Edje object's group definition.
* This function returns if a given part exists in the Edje group bound to this
* object (with @ref edje_object_file_set()).
* This call is useful, for example, when one could expect or not a given GUI
* element, depending on the theme applied to the object.
* @param[in] part The part's name to check for existence in obj's group
* @return @c true if the Edje part exists in obj's group, or @c false
* otherwise (and on errors)
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_object_part_exists(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
* @brief Sets the function that provides item objects for named items in an
* edje entry text
* Item objects may be deleted any time by Edje, and will be deleted when the
* Edje object is deleted (or file is set to a new file).
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] func The function to call (or @c null to disable) to get item
* objects
* @param[in] data The data pointer to pass to the func callback
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI void edje_object_item_provider_set(Edje_Object *obj, Edje_Item_Provider_Cb func, void *data);
* @brief Gets the description of an object color class.
* This function gets the description of a color class in use by an object.
* @param[in] color_class Color class description
* @return The description of the target color class or @c null if not found
* @ingroup Edje_Object
EAPI const char *edje_object_color_class_description_get(const Edje_Object *obj, const char * color_class);
* @defgroup Edje_Perspective Edje Perspective
* @ingroup Edje_Object_Group
* @brief Functions that deal with 3D projection of an 2D object.
* Perspective is a graphical tool that makes objects represented in 2D
* look like they have a 3D appearance.
* Edje allows us to use perspective on any edje object. This group of
* functions deal with the use of perspective, by creating and configuring
* a perspective object that must set to a edje object or a canvas,
* affecting all the objects inside that have no particular perspective
* set already.
* @{
* @brief Creates a new perspective in the given canvas.
* @param e The given canvas (Evas).
* @return An @ref Edje_Perspective object for this canvas, or @c NULL on errors.
* This function creates a perspective object that can be set on an Edje
* object, or globally to all Edje objects on this canvas.
* @see edje_perspective_set()
* @see edje_perspective_free()
EAPI Edje_Perspective *edje_perspective_new (Evas *e);
* @brief Deletes the given perspective object.
* @param ps A valid perspective object, or @c NULL.
* This function will delete the perspective object. If the perspective
* effect was being applied to any Edje object or part, this effect won't be
* applied anymore.
* @see edje_perspective_new()
EAPI void edje_perspective_free (Edje_Perspective *ps);
* @brief Sets up the transform for this perspective object.
* This sets the parameters of the perspective transformation. X, Y and Z
* values are used. The px and py points specify the "infinite distance" point
* in the 3D conversion (where all lines converge to like when artists draw
* 3D by hand). The @p z0 value specifies the z value at which there is a 1:1
* mapping between spatial coordinates and screen coordinates. Any points
* on this z value will not have their X and Y values modified in the transform.
* Those further away (Z value higher) will shrink into the distance, and
* those less than this value will expand and become bigger. The @p foc value
* determines the "focal length" of the camera. This is in reality the distance
* between the camera lens plane itself (at or closer than this rendering
* results are undefined) and the "z0" z value. This allows for some "depth"
* control and @p foc must be greater than 0.
* @param ps The perspective object
* @param px The perspective distance X coordinate
* @param py The perspective distance Y coordinate
* @param z0 The "0" z plane value
* @param foc The focal distance
EAPI void edje_perspective_set (Edje_Perspective *ps, Evas_Coord px, Evas_Coord py, Evas_Coord z0, Evas_Coord foc);
* @brief Makes this perspective object be global for its canvas.
* @param ps The given perspective object
* @param global @c EINA_TRUE if the perspective should be global, @c
* EINA_FALSE otherwise.
* The canvas which this perspective object is being set as global is the one
* given as argument upon the object creation (the @p evas parameter on the
* function @c edje_perspective_new(evas) ).
* There can be only one global perspective object set per canvas, and if
* a perspective object is set to global when there was already another
* global perspective set, the old one will be set as non-global.
* A global perspective just affects a part if its Edje object doesn't have a
* perspective object set to it, and if the part doesn't point to another
* part to be used as perspective.
* @see edje_object_perspective_set()
* @see edje_perspective_global_get()
* @see edje_perspective_new()
EAPI void edje_perspective_global_set (Edje_Perspective *ps, Eina_Bool global);
* @brief Gets whether the given perspective object is global or not.
* @param ps The given perspective object.
* @return @c EINA_TRUE if this perspective object is global, @c EINA_FALSE
* otherwise.
* @see edje_perspective_global_set()
EAPI Eina_Bool edje_perspective_global_get (const Edje_Perspective *ps);
* @brief Gets the global perspective object set for this canvas.
* @param e The given canvas (Evas).
* @return The perspective object set as global for this canvas. Or @c NULL
* if there is no global perspective set and on errors.
* This function will return the perspective object that was set as global
* with edje_perspective_global_set().
* @see edje_perspective_global_set()
* @see edje_perspective_global_get()
EAPI const Edje_Perspective *edje_evas_global_perspective_get(const Evas *e);
* @brief Sets the given perspective object on this Edje object.
* Make the given perspective object be the default perspective for this Edje
* object.
* There can be only one perspective object per Edje object, and if a previous
* one was set, it will be removed and the new perspective object will be used.
* An Edje perspective will only affect a part if it doesn't point to another
* part to be used as perspective.
* @ref edje_object_perspective_new() See also
* @ref edje_object_perspective_get() @ref edje_perspective_set()
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] ps The perspective object that will be used.
EAPI void edje_object_perspective_set(Evas_Object *obj, Edje_Perspective *ps);
* @brief Gets the current perspective used on this Edje object.
* See also @ref edje_object_perspective_set()
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return The perspective object that will be used.
EAPI const Edje_Perspective *edje_object_perspective_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
* @}
* @defgroup Edje_Object_Part Edje Part
* @brief Functions that deal with layout components
* Parts are layout components, but as a layout, they are objects too.
* There are several types of parts, these types can be divided into two
* main categories, the first being containers. Containers are parts
* that are in effect a group of elements. The second group is that of
* the elements, these part types may not contain others.
* This section has some functions specific for some types and others that
* could be applied to any type.
* @ingroup Edje_Object_Group
* @{
* @typedef Edje_Part_Type
* All possible "part" types in Edje
typedef enum _Edje_Part_Type
EDJE_PART_TYPE_NONE = 0, /**< None type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_RECTANGLE = 1, /**< Rectangle type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXT = 2, /**< Text type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_IMAGE = 3, /**< Image type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_SWALLOW = 4, /**< Swallow type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK = 5, /**< Text block type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_GRADIENT = 6, /**< Gradient type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_GROUP = 7, /**< Group type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_BOX = 8, /**< Box type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_TABLE = 9, /**< Table type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_EXTERNAL = 10, /**< External type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_PROXY = 11, /**< Proxy type value */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_SPACER = 12, /**< Spacer type value @since 1.7 */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_SNAPSHOT = 16, /**< Snapshot @since 1.16 */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_VECTOR = 17, /**< Vector @since 1.18 */
EDJE_PART_TYPE_LAST = 18 /**< Last type value */
} Edje_Part_Type;
* @}
#include "efl_canvas_layout_eo.legacy.h"
#include "edje_edit_eo.legacy.h"
#include "efl_layout_group_eo.legacy.h"