
870 lines
23 KiB

#include "evas_common_private.h"
#include "evas_convert_main.h"
#include "evas_private.h"
EAPI Cutout_Rects *
Cutout_Rects *rects;
rects = calloc(1, sizeof(Cutout_Rects));
return rects;
static void
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_dup(Cutout_Rects *rects2, const Cutout_Rects *rects)
if (!rects) return;
rects2->active = rects->active;
rects2->max = rects->active;
rects2->last_add = rects->last_add;
if (rects2->max > 0)
const size_t sz = sizeof(Cutout_Rect) * rects2->max;
rects2->rects = malloc(sz);
memcpy(rects2->rects, rects->rects, sz);
else rects2->rects = NULL;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_free(Cutout_Rects* rects)
if (!rects) return;
rects->active = 0;
rects->last_add.w = 0;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_real_free(Cutout_Rects* rects)
if (!rects) return;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_del(Cutout_Rects* rects, int idx)
if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < rects->active))
Cutout_Rect *rect;
rect = rects->rects + idx;
memmove(rect, rect + 1,
sizeof(Cutout_Rect) * (rects->active - idx - 1));
rects->last_add.w = 0;
static int _init_count = 0;
static Eina_Trash *_ctxt_spares = NULL;
static int _ctxt_spares_count = 0;
static SLK(_ctx_spares_lock);
static void
_evas_common_draw_context_real_free(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc)
# if defined(PIXMAN_FONT) || defined(PIXMAN_RECT) || defined(PIXMAN_LINE) || defined(PIXMAN_POLY)
if (dc->col.pixman_color_image)
# endif
static void
_evas_common_draw_context_stash(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc)
if (_ctxt_spares_count >= 8)
return ;
# if defined(PIXMAN_FONT) || defined(PIXMAN_RECT) || defined(PIXMAN_LINE) || defined(PIXMAN_POLY)
if (dc->col.pixman_color_image)
dc->col.pixman_color_image = NULL;
# endif
eina_trash_push(&_ctxt_spares, dc);
static RGBA_Draw_Context *
RGBA_Draw_Context *dc = NULL;
if (_ctxt_spares)
dc = eina_trash_pop(&_ctxt_spares);
if (!dc) dc = malloc(sizeof(RGBA_Draw_Context));
return dc;
EAPI void
if (_init_count++) return;
EAPI void
if (--_init_count) return;
// just in case any thread is still doing things... don't del this here
// RGBA_Draw_Context *dc;
// SLKL(_ctx_spares_lock);
// EINA_LIST_FREE(_ctxt_spares, dc) _evas_common_draw_context_real_free(dc);
// _ctxt_spares_count = 0;
// SLKU(_ctx_spares_lock);
// SLKD(_ctx_spares_lock);
EAPI void
EAPI RGBA_Draw_Context *
RGBA_Draw_Context *dc;
dc = _evas_common_draw_context_find();
if (!dc) return NULL;
memset(dc, 0, sizeof(RGBA_Draw_Context));
return dc;
EAPI RGBA_Draw_Context *
evas_common_draw_context_dup(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc)
RGBA_Draw_Context *dc2 = _evas_common_draw_context_find();
if (!dc) return dc2;
memcpy(dc2, dc, sizeof(RGBA_Draw_Context));
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_dup(&dc2->cutout, &dc->cutout);
# if defined(PIXMAN_FONT) || defined(PIXMAN_RECT) || defined(PIXMAN_LINE) || defined(PIXMAN_POLY)
dc2->col.pixman_color_image = NULL;
# endif
dc2->cache.rects = NULL;
dc2->cache.used = 0;
return dc2;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_free(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc)
if (!dc) return;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_clear_cutouts(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc)
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_font_ext_set(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc,
void *data,
void *(*gl_new) (void *data, RGBA_Font_Glyph *fg),
void (*gl_free) (void *ext_dat),
void (*gl_draw) (void *data, void *dest, void *context, RGBA_Font_Glyph *fg, int x, int y, int w, int h),
void *(*gl_image_new) (void *gc, RGBA_Font_Glyph *fg, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace),
void (*gl_image_free) (void *image),
void (*gl_image_draw) (void *gc, void *im, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int smooth))
dc->font_ext.data = data;
dc->font_ext.func.gl_new = gl_new;
dc->font_ext.func.gl_free = gl_free;
dc->font_ext.func.gl_draw = gl_draw;
dc->font_ext.func.gl_image_new = gl_image_new;
dc->font_ext.func.gl_image_free = gl_image_free;
dc->font_ext.func.gl_image_draw = gl_image_draw;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_clip_clip(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x, int y, int w, int h)
if (dc->clip.use)
RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(dc->clip.x, dc->clip.y, dc->clip.w, dc->clip.h,
x, y, w, h);
evas_common_draw_context_set_clip(dc, x, y, w, h);
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_set_clip(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x, int y, int w, int h)
dc->clip.use = 1;
dc->clip.x = x;
dc->clip.y = y;
dc->clip.w = w;
dc->clip.h = h;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_unset_clip(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc)
dc->clip.use = 0;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_set_color(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int r, int g, int b, int a)
R_VAL(&(dc->col.col)) = (DATA8)r;
G_VAL(&(dc->col.col)) = (DATA8)g;
B_VAL(&(dc->col.col)) = (DATA8)b;
A_VAL(&(dc->col.col)) = (DATA8)a;
#if defined(PIXMAN_FONT) || defined(PIXMAN_RECT) || defined(PIXMAN_LINE) || defined(PIXMAN_POLY)
if (dc->col.pixman_color_image)
pixman_color_t pixman_color;
pixman_color.alpha = (dc->col.col & 0xff000000) >> 16;
pixman_color.red = (dc->col.col & 0x00ff0000) >> 8;
pixman_color.green = (dc->col.col & 0x0000ff00);
pixman_color.blue = (dc->col.col & 0x000000ff) << 8;
dc->col.pixman_color_image = pixman_image_create_solid_fill(&pixman_color);
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_set_multiplier(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int r, int g, int b, int a)
dc->mul.use = 1;
R_VAL(&(dc->mul.col)) = (DATA8)r;
G_VAL(&(dc->mul.col)) = (DATA8)g;
B_VAL(&(dc->mul.col)) = (DATA8)b;
A_VAL(&(dc->mul.col)) = (DATA8)a;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_unset_multiplier(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc)
dc->mul.use = 0;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_add_cutout(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x, int y, int w, int h)
// if (dc->cutout.rects > 512) return;
if (dc->clip.use)
#if 1 // this is a bit faster
int x1, x2, y1, y2;
int cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2;
x2 = x + w;
cx1 = dc->clip.x;
if (x2 <= cx1) return;
x1 = x;
cx2 = cx1 + dc->clip.w;
if (x1 >= cx2) return;
if (x1 < cx1) x1 = cx1;
if (x2 > cx2) x2 = cx2;
y2 = y + h;
cy1 = dc->clip.y;
if (y2 <= cy1) return;
y1 = y;
cy2 = cy1 + dc->clip.h;
if (y1 >= cy2) return;
if (y1 < cy1) y1 = cy1;
if (y2 > cy2) y2 = cy2;
x = x1;
y = y1;
w = x2 - x1;
h = y2 - y1;
RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(x, y, w, h,
dc->clip.x, dc->clip.y, dc->clip.w, dc->clip.h);
if ((w * h) <= (8 * 8)) return;
if (dc->cutout.last_add.w > 0)
if ((dc->cutout.last_add.x == x) && (dc->cutout.last_add.y == y) &&
(dc->cutout.last_add.w == w) && (dc->cutout.last_add.h == h)) return;
dc->cutout.last_add.x = x;
dc->cutout.last_add.y = y;
dc->cutout.last_add.w = w;
dc->cutout.last_add.h = h;
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_add(&dc->cutout, x, y, w, h);
static int
evas_common_draw_context_cutout_split(Cutout_Rects *res, int idx, Cutout_Rect *split)
/* 1 input rect, multiple out */
Cutout_Rect in = res->rects[idx];
/* this is to save me a LOT of typing */
#define INX1 (in.x)
#define INX2 (in.x + in.w)
#define SPX1 (split->x)
#define SPX2 (split->x + split->w)
#define INY1 (in.y)
#define INY2 (in.y + in.h)
#define SPY1 (split->y)
#define SPY2 (split->y + split->h)
#define X1_IN (in.x < split->x)
#define X2_IN ((in.x + in.w) > (split->x + split->w))
#define Y1_IN (in.y < split->y)
#define Y2_IN ((in.y + in.h) > (split->y + split->h))
#define R_NEW(_r, _x, _y, _w, _h) { evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_add(_r, _x, _y, _w, _h); }
if (!RECTS_INTERSECT(in.x, in.y, in.w, in.h,
split->x, split->y, split->w, split->h))
/* No colision => no clipping, don't touch it. */
return 1;
/* S = split (ie cut out rect) */
/* +--+ = in (rect to be cut) */
* +---+
* | |
* | S |
* | |
* +---+
if (X1_IN && X2_IN && Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, in.y, in.w, SPY1 - in.y);
R_NEW(res, in.x, SPY1, SPX1 - in.x, SPY2 - SPY1);
R_NEW(res, SPX2, SPY1, INX2 - SPX2, SPY2 - SPY1);
/* out => (in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2) */
res->rects[idx].h = INY2 - SPY2;
res->rects[idx].y = SPY2;
return 1;
* S+---+S
* S+---+S
if (!X1_IN && !X2_IN && !Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_del(res, idx);
return 0;
/* SSS
* S+---+
* S|S |
* S|S |
* S|S |
* S+---+
if (!X1_IN && X2_IN && !Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
/* in => (SPX2, in.y, INX2 - SPX2, in.h) */
res->rects[idx].w = INX2 - SPX2;
res->rects[idx].x = SPX2;
return 1;
/* S
* +---+
* | S |
* | S |
* | S |
* +---+
* S
if (X1_IN && X2_IN && !Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, in.y, SPX1 - in.x, in.h);
/* in => (SPX2, in.y, INX2 - SPX2, in.h) */
res->rects[idx].w = INX2 - SPX2;
res->rects[idx].x = SPX2;
return 1;
/* SSS
* +---+S
* | S|S
* | S|S
* | S|S
* +---+S
if (X1_IN && !X2_IN && !Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
/* in => (in.x, in.y, SPX1 - in.x, in.h) */
res->rects[idx].w = SPX1 - in.x;
return 1;
* S+---+S
* | |
* | |
* +---+
if (!X1_IN && !X2_IN && !Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
/* in => (in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2) */
res->rects[idx].h = INY2 - SPY2;
res->rects[idx].y = SPY2;
return 1;
* +---+
* | |
* | |
* +---+
if (!X1_IN && !X2_IN && Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2);
/* in => (in.x, in.y, in.w, SPY1 - in.y) */
res->rects[idx].h = SPY1 - in.y;
return 1;
* +---+
* | |
* | |
* S+---+S
if (!X1_IN && !X2_IN && Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
/* in => (in.x, in.y, in.w, SPY1 - in.y) */
res->rects[idx].h = SPY1 - in.y;
return 1;
/* SSS
* S+---+
* S|S |
* | |
* | |
* +---+
if (!X1_IN && X2_IN && !Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, SPX2, in.y, INX2 - SPX2, SPY2 - in.y);
/* in => (in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2) */
res->rects[idx].h = INY2 - SPY2;
res->rects[idx].y = SPY2;
return 1;
/* S
* +---+
* | S |
* | |
* | |
* +---+
if (X1_IN && X2_IN && !Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, in.y, SPX1 - in.x, SPY2 - in.y);
R_NEW(res, SPX2, in.y, INX2 - SPX2, SPY2 - in.y);
/* in => (in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2) */
res->rects[idx].h = INY2 - SPY2;
res->rects[idx].y = SPY2;
return 1;
/* SSS
* +---+S
* | S|S
* | |
* | |
* +---+
if (X1_IN && !X2_IN && !Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, in.y, SPX1 - in.x, SPY2 - in.y);
/* in => (in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2) */
res->rects[idx].h = INY2 - SPY2;
res->rects[idx].y = SPY2;
return 1;
* +---+
* | |
* S|S |
* | |
* +---+
if (!X1_IN && X2_IN && Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2);
R_NEW(res, SPX2, SPY1, INX2 - SPX2, SPY2 - SPY1);
/* in => (in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2) */
res->rects[idx].h = SPY1 - in.y;
return 1;
* +---+
* | |
* | S|S
* | |
* +---+
if (X1_IN && !X2_IN && Y1_IN && Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, SPY2, in.w, INY2 - SPY2);
R_NEW(res, in.x, SPY1, SPX1 - in.x, SPY2 - SPY1);
/* in => (in.x, in.y, in.w, SPY1 - in.y) */
res->rects[idx].h = SPY1 - in.y;
return 1;
* +---+
* | |
* | |
* S|S |
* S+---+
if (!X1_IN && X2_IN && Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, SPX2, SPY1, INX2 - SPX2, INY2 - SPY1);
/* in => (in.x, in.y, in.w, SPY1 - in.y) */
res->rects[idx].h = SPY1 - in.y;
return 1;
* +---+
* | |
* | |
* | S |
* +---+
* S
if (X1_IN && X2_IN && Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, SPY1, SPX1 - in.x, INY2 - SPY1);
R_NEW(res, SPX2, SPY1, INX2 - SPX2, INY2 - SPY1);
/* in => (in.x, in.y, in.w, SPY1 - in.y) */
res->rects[idx].h = SPY1 - in.y;
return 1;
* +---+
* | |
* | |
* | S|S
* +---+S
if (X1_IN && !X2_IN && Y1_IN && !Y2_IN)
R_NEW(res, in.x, SPY1, SPX1 - in.x, INY2 - SPY1);
/* in => (in.x, in.y, in.w, SPY1 - in.y) */
res->rects[idx].h = SPY1 - in.y;
return 1;
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_del(res, idx);
return 0;
#undef INX1
#undef INX2
#undef SPX1
#undef SPX2
#undef INY1
#undef INY2
#undef SPY1
#undef SPY2
#undef X1_IN
#undef X2_IN
#undef Y1_IN
#undef Y2_IN
#undef R_NEW
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_target_set(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int x, int y, int w, int h)
dc->cutout_target.x = x;
dc->cutout_target.y = y;
dc->cutout_target.w = w;
dc->cutout_target.h = h;
static int
_srt_y(const void *d1, const void *d2)
const Cutout_Rect *r1 = d1, *r2 = d2;
if (r1->y == r2->y) return r1->x - r2->x;
return r1->y - r2->y;
static int
_srt_x(const void *d1, const void *d2)
const Cutout_Rect *r1 = d1, *r2 = d2;
if (r1->x == r2->x) return r1->y - r2->y;
return r1->x - r2->x;
EAPI Cutout_Rects *
evas_common_draw_context_apply_cutouts(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, Cutout_Rects *reuse)
Cutout_Rects *res = NULL;
int i, j, active, found = 0;
if (!dc->clip.use) return NULL;
if ((dc->clip.w <= 0) || (dc->clip.h <= 0)) return NULL;
if (!reuse) res = evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_new();
res = reuse;
// this avoids a nasty case of O(n^2)/2 below with lots of rectangles
// to merge so only do this merging if the number of rects is small enough
// not to blow out into insanity
evas_common_draw_context_cutouts_add(res, dc->clip.x, dc->clip.y, dc->clip.w, dc->clip.h);
for (i = 0; i < dc->cutout.active; i++)
if ((dc->cutout_target.w != 0) &&
(!RECTS_INTERSECT(dc->cutout.rects[i].x, dc->cutout.rects[i].y,
dc->cutout.rects[i].w, dc->cutout.rects[i].h,
dc->cutout_target.x, dc->cutout_target.y,
dc->cutout_target.w, dc->cutout_target.h)))
// Don't loop on the element just added to the list as they are
// already correctly clipped.
active = res->active;
for (j = 0; j < active; )
if (evas_common_draw_context_cutout_split
(res, j, dc->cutout.rects + i)) j++;
else active--;
/* merge rects */
#define RI res->rects[i]
#define RJ res->rects[j]
if (res->active > 1)
if (res->active > 5)
// fast path for larger numbers of rects to merge by using
// qsort to sort by y and x to limit the number of rects
// we have to walk as rects that have a different y cannot
// be merged anyway (or x).
qsort(res->rects, res->active, sizeof(res->rects[0]), _srt_y);
for (i = 0; i < res->active; i++)
if (RI.w == 0) continue; // skip empty rect
for (j = i + 1; j < res->active; j++)
if (RJ.y != RI.y) break; // new line, sorted thus skip
if (RJ.w == 0) continue; // skip empty rect
// if J is the same height (could be merged)
if (RJ.h == RI.h)
// if J is immediately to the right of I
if (RJ.x == (RI.x + RI.w))
RI.w = (RJ.x + RJ.w) - RI.x; // expand RI
RJ.w = 0; // invalidate
// since we sort y and THEN x, if height matches
// but it's not immediately adjacent, no more
// rects exists that can be merged
else break;
qsort(res->rects, res->active, sizeof(res->rects[0]), _srt_x);
for (i = 0; i < res->active; i++)
if (RI.w == 0) continue; // skip empty rect
for (j = i + 1; j < res->active; j++)
if (RJ.x != RI.x) break; // new line, sorted thus skip
if (RJ.w == 0) continue; // skip empty rect
// if J is the same height (could be merged)
if (RJ.w == RI.w)
// if J is immediately to the right of I
if (RJ.y == (RI.y + RI.h))
RI.h = (RJ.y + RJ.h) - RI.y; // expand RI
RJ.w = 0; // invalidate
// since we sort y and THEN x, if height matches
// but it's not immediately adjacent, no more
// rects exists that can be merged
else break;
// for a small number of rects, keep things simple as the count
// is small and big-o complexity isnt a problem yet
found = 1;
while (found)
found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < res->active; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < res->active; j++)
// skip empty rects we are removing
if (RJ.w == 0) continue;
// check if its same width, immediately above or below
if ((RJ.w == RI.w) && (RJ.x == RI.x))
if ((RJ.y + RJ.h) == RI.y) // above
RI.y = RJ.y;
RI.h += RJ.h;
RJ.w = 0;
else if ((RI.y + RI.h) == RJ.y) // below
RI.h += RJ.h;
RJ.w = 0;
// check if its same height, immediately left or right
else if ((RJ.h == RI.h) && (RJ.y == RI.y))
if ((RJ.x + RJ.w) == RI.x) // left
RI.x = RJ.x;
RI.w += RJ.w;
RJ.w = 0;
else if ((RI.x + RI.w) == RJ.x) // right
RI.w += RJ.w;
RJ.w = 0;
// Repack the cutout
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < res->active; i++)
if (RI.w == 0) continue;
if (i != j) RJ = RI;
res->active = j;
return res;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_apply_clear_cutouts(Cutout_Rects *rects)
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_apply_clean_cutouts(Cutout_Rects *rects)
rects->rects = NULL;
rects->active = 0;
rects->max = 0;
rects->last_add.w = 0;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_set_anti_alias(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc , unsigned char aa)
dc->anti_alias = !!aa;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_set_color_interpolation(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc, int color_space)
dc->interpolation.color_space = color_space;
EAPI void
evas_common_draw_context_set_render_op(RGBA_Draw_Context *dc , int op)
dc->render_op = op;