
343 lines
12 KiB

// inherited from parent func
// RGBA_Font_Glyph_Out *fgo;
// int w, h, x1, x2, y1, y2, i, *iptr;
// DATA32 coltab[16], col;
// DATA16 mtab[16], v;
// DATA8 tmp;
// blend a pixel using pre-computed multiplied col and inverse mul value
#define MMX_BLEND(_dst, _col, _mul) \
MOV_P2R(_dst, mm1, mm0) \
MOV_A2R(_mul, mm3) \
MOV_P2R(_col, mm2, mm0) \
MUL4_256_R2R(mm3, mm1) \
paddw_r2r(mm2, mm1); \
MOV_R2P(mm1, _dst, mm0)
#define C_BLEND(_dst, _col, _mul) \
_dst = _col + MUL_256(_mul, _dst)
// copy 64bits in 1 go (special mmx - no such thing in C here)
#define MMX_COPY64(_dst, _src) \
movq_r2m(_src, _dst)
// a loop of 64bit copies
#define MMX_COPY64LOOP(_dst, _len) \
if (_len >= 2) \
{ \
while (_len > 1) \
{ \
MMX_COPY64(_dst[0], mm7); \
_dst += 2; _len -= 2; \
} \
// if we build for mmx optimizations, we need to set up a few things in advance
// like the mm0 register is always all 0'd to fill in 0 padding when
// unpacking values to registers. also mm7 is reserved to hold an unpacked
// and dumpliacted coltab entry for the final entry (max color). so it's
// [col][col] in the 63bit register with both 32bit colors doublicated
#ifdef MMX
pxor_r2r(mm0, mm0);
movd_m2r(coltab[0xf], mm7);
punpckldq_r2r(mm7, mm7);
// check header for typ (rle4 or bpp4)
iptr = (int *)fgo->rle;
if (*iptr > 0) // rle4
DATA8 *p = fgo->rle, *e, *s;
DATA32 *d0, *d, t;
DATA16 len;
int xx, yy, dif;
iptr = (int *)p;
p += sizeof(int);
d0 = dst + x + (y * dst_pitch);
// this may seem horrible to put a massive blob of logic into a macro like
// this, but this is for speed reasons, so we can generate slightly different
// versions of the same blob of code logic that hold different optimizations
// inside (eg mmx/sse/neon asm etc.)
#define EXPAND_RLE(_donelabel, _extn, _2copy, _blend) \
if ((x1 == 0) && (x2 == w)) /* unclipped horizontally */ \
{ \
d0 += x1; \
for (yy = y1; yy < y2; yy++) \
{ \
/* figure out source ptr and end ptr based on jumptable */ \
if (yy > 0) s = p + jumptab[yy - 1]; \
else s = p; \
e = p + jumptab[yy]; \
d = d0 + (yy * dst_pitch); \
/* walk until we hit the end of the src data */ \
while (s < e) \
{ \
/* read the run length from RLE data and value */ \
len = (*s >> 4) + 1; \
v = *s & 0xf; \
/* if value is 0 we can just skip ahead entire run and do */ \
/* nothng as empty space doesn't need any work */ \
if (v == 0) d += len; \
/* if the value ends up being solid (inverse alpha is 0) */ \
else if (mtab[v] == 0) \
{ \
/* just COPY the color data direct to destination */ \
t = coltab[0xf]; \
/* this is a special 2 pixel (64bit dest) copy for */ \
/* speed - eg mmx etc. */ \
_2copy; \
/* do cleanup of left-over pixels after the 2 pixel */ \
/* copy above (if there is any such code) */ \
while (len > 0) \
{ \
/* just a plain copy of looked up value */ \
*d = t; \
d++; len--; \
} \
} \
/* our font mask value is between 0 and 15 (0xf) so we */ \
/* have to actually blend it to each dest pixel */ \
else \
{ \
while (len > 0) \
{ \
/* do blend using op provided by params */ \
_blend; \
d++; len--; \
} \
} \
s++; \
} \
} \
} \
else /* clipped horizontally (needs extra skip/cut logic) */ \
{ \
/* init out pos to 0 here (we reset AFTER each horiz loop later */ \
xx = 0; \
for (yy = y1; yy < y2; yy++) \
{ \
/* figure out source ptr and end ptr based on jumptable */ \
if (yy > 0) s = p + jumptab[yy - 1]; \
else s = p; \
e = p + jumptab[yy]; \
d = d0 + (yy * dst_pitch); \
/* walk until we hit the end of the src data and SKIP runs */ \
/* that are entirely before the start (x1) point and any */ \
/* run that spans over the start point is truncated at the */ \
/* start of the run */ \
while (s < e) \
{ \
len = (*s >> 4) + 1; \
/* if current pos pluse run length go over the start (x1) */ \
/* point of our clip area, then adjust run length and dest */ \
/* pointer and position and break out of our RLE skip loop */ \
if ((xx + (int)len) > x1) \
{ \
dif = x1 - xx; \
len -= dif; d += dif; xx += dif; \
break; \
} \
d += len; xx += len; s++; \
} \
/* walk until we hit the end of the REL run.. OR the end of */ \
/* our clip region - the x2 checks are done inside */ \
while (s < e) \
{ \
v = *s & 0xf; \
/* if value is 0 we can just skip ahead entire run and do */ \
/* nothng as empty space doesn't need any work */ \
if (v == 0) \
{ \
d += len; xx += len; \
/* clip check to stop run */ \
if (xx >= x2) goto _donelabel##_extn; \
} \
/* if the value ends up being solid (inverse alpha is 0) */ \
else if (mtab[v] == 0) \
{ \
/* just COPY the color data direct to destination */ \
t = coltab[0xf]; \
while (len > 0) \
{ \
/* clip check to stop run */ \
if (xx >= x2) goto _donelabel##_extn; \
/* just a plain copy of looked up value */ \
*d = t; \
d++; xx++; len--; \
} \
} \
/* our font mask value is between 0 and 15 (0xf) so we */ \
/* have to actually blend it to each dest pixel */ \
else \
{ \
while (len > 0) \
{ \
/* clip check to stop run */ \
if (xx >= x2) goto _donelabel##_extn; \
/* do blend using op provided by params */ \
_blend; \
d++; xx++; len--; \
} \
} \
s++; \
/* extra check here so length fetch after doesn't break */ \
if (s >= e) break; \
/* get length of NEXT RLE run at the end here */ \
len = (*s >> 4) + 1; \
} \
_donelabel##_extn: \
/* reset horiz pos to 0 ready for next line */ \
xx = 0; \
} \
// and here actually run the appropriate code in the macro/func defined
// above, based on the jumptable type (saves passing params on the stack
// to a sub function and we'd have to generate the subfunction by macros
// anyway, so just cust down code to assume context vars as opposed to
// passing them)
if (*iptr == 1) // 8 bit jump table
DATA8 *jumptab = p;
p += (h * sizeof(DATA8));
#ifdef MMX
EXPAND_RLE(done_8_clipped, _mmx, MMX_COPY64LOOP(d, len),
MMX_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
#elif defined(NEON)
EXPAND_RLE(done_8_clipped, _neon, ,
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
EXPAND_RLE(done_8_clipped, _c, ,
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
else if (*iptr == 2) // 16 bit jump table
unsigned short *jumptab = (unsigned short *)p;
p += (h * sizeof(unsigned short));
#ifdef MMX
EXPAND_RLE(done_16_clipped, _mmx, MMX_COPY64LOOP(d, len),
MMX_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
#elif defined(NEON)
EXPAND_RLE(done_16_clipped, _neon, ,
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
EXPAND_RLE(done_16_clipped, _c, ,
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
else if (*iptr == 3) // 32 bit jump table
int *jumptab = (int *)p;
p += (h * sizeof(int));
#ifdef MMX
EXPAND_RLE(done_32_clipped, _mmx, MMX_COPY64LOOP(d, len),
MMX_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
#elif defined(NEON)
EXPAND_RLE(done_32_clipped, _neon, ,
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
EXPAND_RLE(done_32_clipped, _c, ,
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]))
else // bpp4
int xx, yy, djump;
int pitch2;
DATA8 *s, *s0, v0;
DATA32 *d;
d = dst + x + x1 + ((y + y1) * dst_pitch);
djump = dst_pitch - (x2 - x1);
pitch2 = (w + 1) / 2;
s0 = fgo->rle + sizeof(int) + (y1 * pitch2);
for (yy = y1; yy < y2; yy++)
s = s0 + (x1 / 2);
xx = x1;
// do odd pixel at start if there is any
if (xx & 0x1)
v = (*s) & 0xf;
// fast path - totally solid color can just be written
// with no blending done
if (mtab[v] == 0) d[0] = coltab[0xf];
// blend our color from lookup table
else if (v)
// blend it
#ifdef MMX
MMX_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
s++; d++; xx++;
// walk along 2 pixels at a time (1 src pixel is 4 bits packed)
for (; xx < (x2 - 1); xx += 2)
v0 = *s;
// fast path - totally solid color can just be written
// with no blending done - write 2 at once
if ((v0 == 0xff) && (mtab[v0 & 0xf] == 0))
// blend it
#ifdef MMX
MMX_COPY64(d[0], mm7);
d[0] = d[1] = coltab[0xf];
// if our 2 values are not 0 (as 0's we can skip entirely)
else if (v0)
// get first pixel in MSB and blend it
v = (v0) >> 4;
#ifdef MMX
MMX_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
// get next pixel in LSB and blend it
v = (v0) & 0xf;
#ifdef MMX
MMX_BLEND(d[1], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
C_BLEND(d[1], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
s++; d += 2;
// clean up any leftover pixels at the end
if (xx < x2)
v = (*s) >> 4;
// fast path - totally solid color can just be written
// with no blending done
if (mtab[v] == 0) d[0] = coltab[0xf];
// blend our color from lookup table
else if (v)
// blend it
#ifdef MMX
MMX_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
C_BLEND(d[0], coltab[v], mtab[v]);
d += djump;
s0 += pitch2;
// with mmx (sse etc.) we need to say we are done with the mmx registers so
// any fpu usage is restored (early pentiums need this, later x86 do not)
#ifdef MMX