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import eina_types;
import efl_input_types;
enum @beta Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch_State
[[ This enum type describes the state of a touch event. ]]
legacy: efl_gesture_touch_state;
unknown = 0, [[Touch state is unset.]]
begin, [[First touch point has just been added.]]
update, [[A touch point position has updated or other touch points were added.]]
end, [[A touch point has been released.]]
enum @beta Efl.Canvas.Gesture_State
[[ This enum type describes the state of a gesture. ]]
legacy: efl_gesture_state;
none = 0, [[No gesture state.]]
started = 1, [[A gesture has started.]]
updated, [[A gesture has triggered.]]
finished, [[A gesture has ended and has triggered.]]
canceled, [[A gesture has ended without triggering.]]
enum @beta Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Result
[[ This enum type describes the state of a gesture recognizer. ]]
legacy: efl_gesture_recognizer_result;
ignore = 0x0001, [[The event does not change the state of the recognizer.]]
maybe = 0x0002, [[The event changed the internal state of the recognizer, but it isn't clear yet if it is a gesture or not. The recognizer needs to filter more events to decide.]]
trigger = 0x0004, [[The gesture has been triggered]]
finish = 0x0008, [[The gesture has been finished successfully and the gesture triggered.]]
cancel = 0x0010, [[The event made it clear that it is not a gesture. If the gesture recognizer was in Triggered state before, then the gesture is canceled.]]
result_mask = 0x00ff, [[The gesture result mask]]
struct @beta @c_name(Efl_Gesture_Touch_Point_Info) Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch_Point_Info {
[[This struct represents the underlying data of a touch point.]]
pos: Eina.Position2D; [[The canvas position of the touch point data.]]
pressed: bool; [[Whether this touch point is currently being pressed down.]]
timestamp: uint; [[The timestamp of the touch point data in milliseconds.]]
struct @beta @c_name(Efl_Gesture_Touch_Point_Data) Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch_Point_Data {
[[This struct represents the state of a touch point.]]
id: int; [[Touch id of the point, where the first point is $0.]]
action: Efl.Pointer.Action; [[The last event with this point.]]
start: Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch_Point_Info; [[The start data for the touch point.]]
prev: Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch_Point_Info; [[The previous data for the touch point.]]
cur: Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch_Point_Info; [[The current data for the touch point.]]