• Joined on 2024-04-11
loqs closed issue old/legacy-imlib2#23 2024-04-19 13:52:19 -07:00
Feature Request:Shadow Stack support on Linux
loqs commented on issue old/legacy-imlib2#23 2024-04-19 13:52:18 -07:00
Feature Request:Shadow Stack support on Linux

Thank You. With 699fc2b8b5ad6728dc2b863734262a1204abb932 I am able to build imlib2 with CET enabled on Linux ELF 64.

loqs commented on issue old/legacy-imlib2#23 2024-04-15 08:28:13 -07:00
Feature Request:Shadow Stack support on Linux

The .note.gnu.property section needs to be added. With your addition of the endbr instructions that can now be achieved by including the cet header with something like:

--- a/src/lib/asm…
loqs opened issue old/legacy-imlib2#23 2024-04-11 08:16:14 -07:00
Feature Request:Shadow Stack support on Linux