notification - stop allocating wrong struct type for noti actions

the structs size was bigger so it didnt cause any real problem other
than allocating too much mem. this fixes that
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2022-11-16 09:50:59 +00:00
parent 79a7c8e95c
commit 2386831529
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -433,7 +433,8 @@ notify_cb(const Eldbus_Service_Interface *iface EINA_UNUSED, const Eldbus_Messag
printf("NOT: act=[%s] [%s]\n", txt, txt2);
actions = realloc(n->actions, (num + 1) * sizeof(E_Notification_Notify));
actions = realloc(n->actions, (num + 1) *
if (actions)
n->actions = actions;