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# Color Schemes in Terminology
Terminology uses color schemes to define the usual colors used by terminal
applications, and a bit more: color schemes can also have an impact on the
theme used.
# Configuration file
The colorschemes are stored in EET format for speed up and ease of
This format being a bit cumbersome to edit, color schemes can be edit in an
easy INI format described below.
One can have a look at `data/color_schemes/Default.ini` for an example.
## Organisation of the file
The INI format is made of sections, where the name appears in square brackets
(`[` and `]`), that contain keys. Every key has a name and a value, delimited
by an equals sign (`=`).
Those value have 3 types:
* integers, mostly used to describe versions,
* strings, surrounded by double quotes (`"`) or not,
* colors, described as hex color codes, with or without alpha channels, like
`#00ffcc` or `#00ff00aa`.
Semicolons (`;`) at the beginning of the line indicate a comment.
The color scheme file contains the following sections that are mandatory:
`Main`, `Metadata`, `Colors`, `Normal`, `Bright`, `Faint` and `BrightFaint`.
## `Main`
This section has only one field `version` with a default of `1`.
In case the format has to change, this value will change.
## `Metadata`
This describes everything that is related to the color scheme but is not
actually a color!
The fields are the following:
* `version`: an integer, this is the version of the color scheme itself
* `name` is the name of the color scheme. It is expected to be the same as the
file name without the `.ini` extension
* `author`: who made this color scheme
* `website`
* `license`: the short code of an opensource-approved license as listed on
## `Colors`
This section describes colors used in the UI. The fields are:
* `bg`: the background color of the terminal
* `main`: this color is used as the main color for cursor and various effects
on the terminal, like change of border on focus …
* `hl`: a color used for an object or text when being highlighted. Usually
surrounded by the `main` color.
* `end_sel`: on selections, the color of the handles used to expand or shrink
the area of the selection
* `tab_missed_1`, `tab_missed_2`, `tab_missed_3`: the main color, the outline
color and the shadow color of the number of tabs where a bell has rung, tabs
that need attention.
* `tab_missed_over_1`, `tab_missed_over_2`, `tab_missed_over_3`: same as
before but when the mouse is over that number
* `tab_title_2`: the outline color of the active tab title. The foreground
used is `Normal.def` and the shadow is `bg`.
## `Normal`, `Bright`, `Faint`, `BrightFaint`
All those sections offer the same set of colors.
`Normal` are the base colors. `Bright` are a brighter version of the `Normal`
colors, while `Faint` are a dimer version of the `Normal` colors. Finally,
`BrightFaint` are a dimer version of the `Bright` colors.
They all have those fields:
* `def`: the default foreground color
* `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white` are
* `inverse_fg` and `inverse_fg` are the colors used when espace codes are used
to reverse background and foreground. Sometimes used to display selections
by the terminal applications
# How to add a new color scheme
First, one has to write a color scheme file as described above. Let's say we
are creating the color scheme `FooBar` stored in file `FooBar.ini`.
The `Faint` and `BrightFaint` version can be generated by using the
`gen_faint.py` script stored in `data/color_schemes/` as seen below:
`gen_faint.py FooBar.ini > FooBar_with_faint.ini`
What this script does is to pick the colors from `Normal` and `Bright` and
merge them with the background color (`Colors.bg`) in a 70/30 proportion. This
proportion is configurable, like this for a 80/20 proportion:
`gen_faint.py FooBar.ini 80 > FooBar_with_faint.ini`
Now that we are happy with the content of `FooBar_with_faint.ini`, we can call
the script `add_color_scheme.sh` stored in `data/color_schemes/` as seen
`add_color_scheme.sh eet ~/.config/terminology/colorschemes.eet FooBar_with_faint.ini`
Now you should be able to select your color scheme in Terminology!