Commit Graph

20 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ali Alzyod 287ec50203 edje_textblock: content_fit size_range update
Summary: update size range will skip empty font_sizes

Reviewers: woohyun, bowonryu

Reviewed By: woohyun

Subscribers: cedric, #reviewers, #committers

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2020-05-06 20:33:42 +09:00
Ali Alzyod 4447e10b63 edje_textblock: optimize priority handling for content_fit options
Summary: this patch will reduce amount of unnessesary calculations, if user set both font_size_array and size_range for content fit.

Reviewers: woohyun, bowonryu

Reviewed By: woohyun

Subscribers: cedric, #reviewers, #committers

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2020-05-06 20:30:15 +09:00
Ali Alzyod 06e9af1b0c edje_textblock: style font size override size_range max
Summary: style font size (also text_class) will change size_range max value, regardless of what user specifed in textblock description

Reviewers: woohyun

Reviewed By: woohyun

Subscribers: cedric, #reviewers, #committers

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2020-03-12 20:07:12 +09:00
Ali Alzyod 8f87a2411a evas_textblock: content fit feature
**Content Fit Feature for Evas_Object_Textblock**

This Feature is available at **Evas **object level.  And **Edje **level (where it is internally use evas functionality)
This feature will allow text block to fit its content font size to proper size to fit its area.

**Main Properties:**
Fit Modes        :   None=Default, Width, Height, All [Width+Height]
Fit Size Range :   Contains maximum and minimum font size to be used (and in between).
Fit Step Size    :   Step(Jump) value when trying fonts sizes between Size_Range max and min.
Fit Size Array   :   Other way to resize font, where you explicitly select font sizes to be uses    (for example [20, 50, 100] it will try 3 sizes only)

Text Fit feature was available in Edje but:
1- It doesn't effected by ellipsis or warping in font style (or do not handle the in right way)
2- Accuracy is not good (specially if you have fix pixel size elements (spaces,tabs,items))
3- No (Step size, Size Array) available.

Test Plan:
To check the Feature
> elementary_test
> fit
> textbock fit
You can modify all the modes and properties

These are two examples, One using Evas other uses Edje


#include <Elementary.h>

enum BUTTON{
   BUTTON_MODE             = 0,
   BUTTON_MAX              = 1,
   BUTTON_MIN              = 2,
   BUTTON_STEP             = 3,
   BUTTON_ARRAY            = 4,
   BUTTON_CONTENT          = 5,
   BUTTON_STYLE            = 6,
   BUTTON_ALL              = BUTTON_STYLE+1,


char *contents[] = {
   "Hello World",
   "This is Line<br>THis is other Line",
   "This text contains <font_size=20 color=#F00>SPECIFIC SIZE</font_size> that does not effected by fit mode"

char *styles[] = {
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000 wrap=mixed ellipsis=1.0'",
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000 wrap=mixed'",
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000 ellipsis=1.0'",
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000'",

char *styles_names[] = {
   "wrap=<color=#F00>mixed</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>1.0</color>",
   "wrap=<color=#F00>mixed</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>NONE</color>",
   "wrap=<color=#F00>NONE</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>1.0</color>",
   "wrap=<color=#F00>NONE</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>NONE</color>",

typedef struct _APP
   Evas_Object *win, *box, *txtblock,*bg, *boxHor, *boxHor2;
   Eo *btn[BUTTON_ALL];
   Eo *lbl_status;
   char * str;
   unsigned int i_contnet, i_style;
} APP;
APP *app;

char * get_fit_status(Eo * textblock);

static void _btn_clicked(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eo *obj, void *eventInfo EINA_UNUSED){
   if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_MODE])
        unsigned int options;
        evas_textblock_fit_options_get(app->txtblock, &options);
        if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_NONE)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_HEIGHT);
        else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_HEIGHT)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_WIDTH);
        else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_WIDTH)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_ALL);
        else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_ALL)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_NONE);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_MAX])
        unsigned int min, max;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_get(app->txtblock, &min, &max);
        max -= 5;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_set(app->txtblock, min, max);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_MIN])
        unsigned int min, max;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_get(app->txtblock, &min, &max);
        min += 5;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_set(app->txtblock, min, max);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_STEP])
        unsigned int step;
        evas_textblock_fit_step_size_get(app->txtblock, &step);
        evas_textblock_fit_step_size_set(app->txtblock, step);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_ARRAY])
        unsigned int font_size[] = {10, 50, 100 ,150};
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_CONTENT])
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_STYLE])

        Evas_Textblock_Style *style = evas_object_textblock_style_get(app->txtblock);

   elm_object_text_set(app->lbl_status, get_fit_status(app->txtblock));

char * get_fit_status(Eo * textblock)
   static char status[0xFFF];
   unsigned int options,min,max,step,size_array[256];
   size_t size_array_len;
   if (size_array_len>255)
      size_array_len = 255;

   strcpy(status,"Mode : ");
   if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_NONE)
   else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_HEIGHT)
   else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_WIDTH)
   else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_ALL)

   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Max   : %d<br>",max);
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Min   : %d<br>",min);
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Step  : %d<br>",step);
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Array  : [ ");
   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
           sprintf(status + strlen(status)," %d,",size_array[i]);

      sprintf(status + strlen(status)," ... ");
   sprintf(status + strlen(status)," ]");

   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"<br>");
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"%s",styles_names[app->i_style]);

   return status;

int elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
  app = calloc(sizeof(APP), 1);


   app->win = elm_win_util_standard_add("Main", "App");
   elm_win_autodel_set(app->win, EINA_TRUE);

   app->box = elm_box_add(app->win);
   app->boxHor = elm_box_add(app->box);
   app->boxHor2 = elm_box_add(app->box);
   app->txtblock = evas_object_textblock_add(app->box);
   app->bg = elm_bg_add(app->box);

   Evas_Textblock_Style *style = evas_textblock_style_new();

   elm_box_horizontal_set(app->boxHor, EINA_TRUE);
   elm_box_horizontal_set(app->boxHor2, EINA_TRUE);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);


   elm_box_pack_end(app->box, app->bg);
   elm_box_pack_end(app->box, app->boxHor);
   elm_box_pack_end(app->box, app->boxHor2);


   elm_win_resize_object_add(app->win, app->box);
   evas_object_resize(app->win, 320, 480);

   for(int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_ALL ; i++)
        app->btn[i] = elm_button_add(app->boxHor);
        evas_object_smart_callback_add(app->btn[i], "clicked", _btn_clicked, NULL);
        elm_object_text_set(app->btn[i], BUTTON_STR[i]);
        elm_box_pack_end(app->boxHor, app->btn[i]);

   app->lbl_status = elm_label_add(app->boxHor2);
   elm_object_text_set(app->lbl_status, get_fit_status(app->txtblock));
   elm_box_pack_end(app->boxHor2, app->lbl_status);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->txtblock, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND,EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->txtblock, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->bg, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND,EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->bg, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);

   return 0;



// compile: edje_cc source.edc
// run: edje_player source.edje
collections {
         name: "text_style";
         base: "font=sans font_size=30 color=#FFF wrap=mixed ellipsis=1.0";
         tag: "br" "\n";
         tag: "ps" "ps";
         tag: "tab" "\t";
         tag: "b" "+ font_weight=Bold";
   group {
      name: "my_group"; // must be the same as in source.c
      parts {

            name: "background";
            type: RECT;
            scale: 1;
               color: 0 0 0 0;
               rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
               rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;

            name: "text";
            type: TEXTBLOCK;
            scale: 1;
            entry_mode: NONE;
            effect: OUTLINE_SHADOW;
               state: "default" 0.0;
      : "background";
               rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
      : "background";
               rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;
                  style: "text_style";
                  align: 0.0 0.0;
                  text: "Hello World This is Me";
                  fit: 1 1;
                  fit_step: 1;
                  size_range: 30 200;
                  //fit_size_array: 20 40 60 80 100 200;

Found Task T5724 relative to this Feature

Reviewers: woohyun, bowonryu, cedric, raster

Reviewed By: woohyun

Subscribers: a.srour, #committers, #reviewers, cedric

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2019-12-12 14:22:46 +09:00
Ali Alzyod 621d2cdecf Efl.Canvas.Text rename into Efl.Canvas.Textblock
Efl.Canvas.Text                renamed into **Efl.Canvas.Textblock**
Efl.Canvas.Text_Factory  renamed into **Efl.Canvas.Textblock_Factory**

Reviewers: woohyun, segfaultxavi, zmike, bu5hm4n, YOhoho

Reviewed By: segfaultxavi

Subscribers: cedric, #committers, #reviewers

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2019-12-10 17:39:59 +09:00
Ali Alzyod d7352f4db4 Efl.Text.Cursor
Implementation of new cursor text object.

This Patch Contains :
1- Remove Efl.Text.Cursor & Efl.Text_Markup_Interactive interfaces and replace them with one Class Efl.Text.Cursor
   => there are some modifications on cursor methods

2- Update all related classes to use Efl.Text.Cursor object instead of the old interfaces

3- If class uses Efl.Text_Cursor_Cursor (handle), mainly annotation it will stay as it is until we update other annotations into attribute_factory

4- Add main cursor property into efl.text.interactive

5- Add cursor_new method in efl.ui.text  (I think we may move it into efl.text.interactive interface)

There still some parts that need discussion: especially cursor movement functionality, I prefer to move function with Enum, instead of special function for each movement.

enum @beta Efl.Text.Cursor_Move_Type
   [[Text cursor movement types]]
   char_next,       [[Advances to the next character]]
   char_prev,       [[Advances to the previous character]]
   cluster_next,    [[Advances to the next grapheme cluster]]
   cluster_prev,    [[Advances to the previous grapheme cluster]]
   paragraph_start, [[Advances to the first character in this paragraph]]
   paragraph_end,   [[Advances to the last character in this paragraph]]
   word_start,      [[Advance to current word start]]
   word_end,        [[Advance to current word end]]
   line_start,      [[Advance to current line first character]]
   line_end,        [[Advance to current line last character]]
   paragraph_first, [[Advance to current paragraph first character]]
   paragraph_last,  [[Advance to current paragraph last character]]
   paragraph_next,  [[Advances to the start of the next text node]]
   paragraph_prev   [[Advances to the end of the previous text node]]
move {
         [[Move the cursor]]
         params {
            @in type: Efl.Text.Cursor_Move_Type; [[The type of movement]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]

or old way:
char_next {
         [[Advances to the next character]]
         // FIXME: Make the number of characters we moved by? Useful for all the other functions
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      char_prev {
         [[Advances to the previous character]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]

      char_delete {
         [[Deletes a single character from position pointed by given cursor.]]

      cluster_next {
         [[Advances to the next grapheme cluster]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      cluster_prev {
         [[Advances to the previous grapheme cluster]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]

      // FIXME: paragraph_end is inconsistent with word_end. The one goes to the last character and the other after the last character.
      paragraph_start {
         [[Advances to the first character in this paragraph]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      paragraph_end {
         [[Advances to the last character in this paragraph]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      word_start {
         [[Advance to current word start]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      word_end {
         [[Advance to current word end]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      line_start {
         [[Advance to current line first character]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      line_end {
          [[Advance to current line last character]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      paragraph_first {
         [[Advance to current paragraph first character]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      paragraph_last {
         [[Advance to current paragraph last character]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      paragraph_next {
         [[Advances to the start of the next text node]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]
      paragraph_prev {
         [[Advances to the end of the previous text node]]
         return: bool; [[True if actually moved]]

Reviewers: woohyun, tasn, segfaultxavi

Reviewed By: woohyun

Subscribers: a.srour, bu5hm4n, segfaultxavi, cedric, #reviewers, #committers

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2019-11-22 17:35:54 +09:00
Woochanlee 37b55172b0 edje_calc: Exception handling if no calculation is required.
If there is no object swllowed, do not run part_calc on it.
This swallow will be calculated if there is an associated part, otherwise it will not need to be calculated.

When the app is launched, a lot of edje calculation logic is executed.
Most of the edje size is missing, so the calculation result is meaningless.
Added code to prevent this.

Reviewed-by: Cedric BAIL <>
Differential Revision:
2019-11-14 10:08:56 -08:00
Carsten Haitzler 39240fa3e7 Revert "evas_textblock: content fit feature"
This reverts commit 2f676a6591.

This causes segv's in edje_cc - i suspect the eet changes (or in combo
to how they are used in edje):

==8991==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000001010000 (pc 0xffff9f002604 bp 0xfffffa747700 sp 0xfffffa747700 T0)
==8991==The signal is caused by a READ memory access.
    #0 0xffff9f002600 in _eet_hash_gen ../src/lib/eet/eet_utils.c:25
    #1 0xffff9efdd024 in eet_dictionary_string_add ../src/lib/eet/eet_dictionary.c:103
    #2 0xffff9efbe324 in eet_data_put_string ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:849
    #3 0xffff9efc1c4c in eet_data_put_type ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:1427
    #4 0xffff9efd9128 in eet_data_put_unknown ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:4730
    #5 0xffff9efdb320 in _eet_data_descriptor_encode ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:5108
    #6 0xffff9efd5958 in eet_data_put_variant ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:4309
    #7 0xffff9efdb320 in _eet_data_descriptor_encode ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:5108
    #8 0xffff9efd9270 in eet_data_put_unknown ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:4739
    #9 0xffff9efdb320 in _eet_data_descriptor_encode ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:5108
    #10 0xffff9efd8ca0 in eet_data_put_array ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:4692
    #11 0xffff9efdb320 in _eet_data_descriptor_encode ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:5108
    #12 0xffff9efc7768 in eet_data_write_cipher ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:2403
    #13 0xffff9efc78a4 in eet_data_write ../src/lib/eet/eet_data.c:2420
    #14 0xaaaabb151dcc in data_thread_group ../src/bin/edje/edje_cc_out.c:2045
    #15 0xaaaabb152130 in data_write_groups ../src/bin/edje/edje_cc_out.c:2086
    #16 0xaaaabb157734 in data_write ../src/bin/edje/edje_cc_out.c:2866
    #17 0xaaaabb14122c in main ../src/bin/edje/edje_cc.c:456
    #18 0xffff9dbd92a0 in __libc_start_main (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
    #19 0xaaaabb13ea00  (/home/raster/C/git/efl/build/src/bin/edje/edje_cc+0x38a00)

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV ../src/lib/eet/eet_utils.c:25 in _eet_hash_gen
Aborted (core dumped)

When compiling breaks... it's certainly time to revert ASAP :(
2019-11-07 10:23:58 +00:00
Ali Alzyod 2f676a6591 evas_textblock: content fit feature
**Content Fit Feature for Evas_Object_Textblock**

This Feature is available at **Evas **object level.  And **Edje **level (where it is internally use evas functionality)
This feature will allow text block to fit its content font size to proper size to fit its area.

**Main Properties:**
Fit Modes        :   None=Default, Width, Height, All [Width+Height]
Fit Size Range :   Contains maximum and minimum font size to be used (and in between).
Fit Step Size    :   Step(Jump) value when trying fonts sizes between Size_Range max and min.
Fit Size Array   :   Other way to resize font, where you explicitly select font sizes to be uses    (for example [20, 50, 100] it will try 3 sizes only)

Text Fit feature was available in Edje but:
1- It doesn't effected by ellipsis or warping in font style (or do not handle the in right way)
2- Accuracy is not good (specially if you have fix pixel size elements (spaces,tabs,items))
3- No (Step size, Size Array) available.

Test Plan:
To check the Feature
> elementary_test
> fit
> textbock fit
You can modify all the modes and properties

These are two examples, One using Evas other uses Edje


#include <Elementary.h>

enum BUTTON{
   BUTTON_MODE             = 0,
   BUTTON_MAX              = 1,
   BUTTON_MIN              = 2,
   BUTTON_STEP             = 3,
   BUTTON_ARRAY            = 4,
   BUTTON_CONTENT          = 5,
   BUTTON_STYLE            = 6,
   BUTTON_ALL              = BUTTON_STYLE+1,


char *contents[] = {
   "Hello World",
   "This is Line<br>THis is other Line",
   "This text contains <font_size=20 color=#F00>SPECIFIC SIZE</font_size> that does not effected by fit mode"

char *styles[] = {
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000 wrap=mixed ellipsis=1.0'",
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000 wrap=mixed'",
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000 ellipsis=1.0'",
   "DEFAULT='font=sans font_size=30 color=#000'",

char *styles_names[] = {
   "wrap=<color=#F00>mixed</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>1.0</color>",
   "wrap=<color=#F00>mixed</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>NONE</color>",
   "wrap=<color=#F00>NONE</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>1.0</color>",
   "wrap=<color=#F00>NONE</color> ellipsis=<color=#F00>NONE</color>",

typedef struct _APP
   Evas_Object *win, *box, *txtblock,*bg, *boxHor, *boxHor2;
   Eo *btn[BUTTON_ALL];
   Eo *lbl_status;
   char * str;
   unsigned int i_contnet, i_style;
} APP;
APP *app;

char * get_fit_status(Eo * textblock);

static void _btn_clicked(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Eo *obj, void *eventInfo EINA_UNUSED){
   if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_MODE])
        unsigned int options;
        evas_textblock_fit_options_get(app->txtblock, &options);
        if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_NONE)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_HEIGHT);
        else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_HEIGHT)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_WIDTH);
        else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_WIDTH)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_ALL);
        else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_ALL)
           evas_textblock_fit_options_set(app->txtblock, TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_NONE);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_MAX])
        unsigned int min, max;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_get(app->txtblock, &min, &max);
        max -= 5;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_set(app->txtblock, min, max);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_MIN])
        unsigned int min, max;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_get(app->txtblock, &min, &max);
        min += 5;
        evas_textblock_fit_size_range_set(app->txtblock, min, max);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_STEP])
        unsigned int step;
        evas_textblock_fit_step_size_get(app->txtblock, &step);
        evas_textblock_fit_step_size_set(app->txtblock, step);
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_ARRAY])
        unsigned int font_size[] = {10, 50, 100 ,150};
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_CONTENT])
   else if (obj == app->btn[BUTTON_STYLE])

        Evas_Textblock_Style *style = evas_object_textblock_style_get(app->txtblock);

   elm_object_text_set(app->lbl_status, get_fit_status(app->txtblock));

char * get_fit_status(Eo * textblock)
   static char status[0xFFF];
   unsigned int options,min,max,step,size_array[256];
   size_t size_array_len;
   if (size_array_len>255)
      size_array_len = 255;

   strcpy(status,"Mode : ");
   if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_NONE)
   else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_HEIGHT)
   else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_WIDTH)
   else if (options == TEXTBLOCK_FIT_MODE_ALL)

   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Max   : %d<br>",max);
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Min   : %d<br>",min);
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Step  : %d<br>",step);
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"Array  : [ ");
   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
           sprintf(status + strlen(status)," %d,",size_array[i]);

      sprintf(status + strlen(status)," ... ");
   sprintf(status + strlen(status)," ]");

   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"<br>");
   sprintf(status + strlen(status),"%s",styles_names[app->i_style]);

   return status;

int elm_main(int argc, char **argv)
  app = calloc(sizeof(APP), 1);


   app->win = elm_win_util_standard_add("Main", "App");
   elm_win_autodel_set(app->win, EINA_TRUE);

   app->box = elm_box_add(app->win);
   app->boxHor = elm_box_add(app->box);
   app->boxHor2 = elm_box_add(app->box);
   app->txtblock = evas_object_textblock_add(app->box);
   app->bg = elm_bg_add(app->box);

   Evas_Textblock_Style *style = evas_textblock_style_new();

   elm_box_horizontal_set(app->boxHor, EINA_TRUE);
   elm_box_horizontal_set(app->boxHor2, EINA_TRUE);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->box, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);


   elm_box_pack_end(app->box, app->bg);
   elm_box_pack_end(app->box, app->boxHor);
   elm_box_pack_end(app->box, app->boxHor2);


   elm_win_resize_object_add(app->win, app->box);
   evas_object_resize(app->win, 320, 480);

   for(int i = 0 ; i < BUTTON_ALL ; i++)
        app->btn[i] = elm_button_add(app->boxHor);
        evas_object_smart_callback_add(app->btn[i], "clicked", _btn_clicked, NULL);
        elm_object_text_set(app->btn[i], BUTTON_STR[i]);
        elm_box_pack_end(app->boxHor, app->btn[i]);

   app->lbl_status = elm_label_add(app->boxHor2);
   elm_object_text_set(app->lbl_status, get_fit_status(app->txtblock));
   elm_box_pack_end(app->boxHor2, app->lbl_status);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->txtblock, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND,EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->txtblock, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);

   evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(app->bg, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND,EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
   evas_object_size_hint_align_set(app->bg, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);

   return 0;



// compile: edje_cc source.edc
// run: edje_player source.edje
collections {
         name: "text_style";
         base: "font=sans font_size=30 color=#FFF wrap=mixed ellipsis=1.0";
         tag: "br" "\n";
         tag: "ps" "ps";
         tag: "tab" "\t";
         tag: "b" "+ font_weight=Bold";
   group {
      name: "my_group"; // must be the same as in source.c
      parts {

            name: "background";
            type: RECT;
            scale: 1;
               color: 0 0 0 0;
               rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
               rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;

            name: "text";
            type: TEXTBLOCK;
            scale: 1;
            entry_mode: NONE;
            effect: OUTLINE_SHADOW;
               state: "default" 0.0;
      : "background";
               rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
      : "background";
               rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;
                  style: "text_style";
                  align: 0.0 0.0;
                  text: "Hello World This is Me";
                  fit: 1 1;
                  fit_step: 1;
                  size_range: 30 200;
                  //fit_size_array: 20 40 60 80 100 200;

Found Task T5724 relative to this Feature

Reviewers: woohyun, bowonryu, cedric, raster

Subscribers: #committers, #reviewers, cedric

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2019-11-05 20:40:59 +09:00
subhransu mohanty 5f70cacd92 edje/textblock: Added edje_textblock_style_get() api.
Now all textblock_style functionality are wrapped under api
for easy of optimization. so going forward no one should directly
acess the styles from the File . the styles should be acesses by
the internal api's provided by edje_textblock_style.

Reviewers: Hermet, ali.alzyod, woohyun, kimcinoo

Reviewed By: kimcinoo

Subscribers: cedric, #reviewers, #committers

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2019-08-29 11:35:24 +09:00
Daniel Hirt face90632e Canvas layout: support more Efl.Text.* with efl_part
This adds many Efl.Text.* that are useful for manipulating the
underlying TEXTBLOCK object's propeties using efl_part.

This has been implemented as part of the "user-defined" properties of
the layout part, so that the changes on the part persist across load of
different groups.

Note that text styles have precedence over the TEXTBLOCK (Canvas.Text)
object's properties. if an edc provides a style, the properties it
manipulates as part of the "base:" string would not be affected by this

In general, this helps reducing the amount of styles for objects (or
modes of the same objects) that share the same setup, but are different
in some properties (e.g.  ellipsis, wrap etc).


Canvas layout: add text part "expand" property

This adds "expansion modes", which are essentially the same as min/max
hints in the edje part's 'description.text' fields.

The user can then customize his widget to different modes without being
forced to create a new edje group in the theme.

Note that there is an added check in case one of the min/max text flags
are provided from the theme. In such case, all flags from this new API
will be ignored.
This fortifies misuse where the flags are set both in theme and the API.

2018-11-06 18:33:56 +02:00
SubodhKumar f107ea2432 edje: Remove hack code
special calculation for textblock is for fit calculation.
This is obvious from code that fit is being calculated
before text is actually been set to textblock.
I am not sure whether this is intentional or mistake
but it make sense to calculate fit after text is being
set so that formatted and native calculation can be proper.


Test Plan: NA

Reviewers: cedric, zmike, herdsman, devilhorns

Subscribers: stefan_schmidt, #reviewers, #committers, shilpasingh

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2018-09-17 17:38:24 +03:00
Youngbok Shin a99f337413 edje: fix an issue "description.text.text" is not shown
"description.text.text" is not shown after applying a patch for
supporting text translation of Textblock part.
@fix T6997

Test Plan:
- Try to show a TEXTBLOCK part which has built-in text.
  textblock {
     desc { "default";
        text {
           style: "my_style";
           text: "You can't see this text without this patch";

Reviewers: Hermet, subodh6129, herdsman

Subscribers: cedric, #committers, zmike

Tags: #efl

Maniphest Tasks: T6997

Differential Revision:
2018-06-11 16:19:38 +03:00
SubodhKumar b8c691ebd2 edje: Fix to support translation for textblock part
Text translation in edc for textblock is missing.
Added to support it.


Reviewers: cedric, zmike

Reviewed By: cedric, zmike

Subscribers: shilpasingh, zmike

Tags: #efl

Differential Revision:
2018-05-15 12:44:29 -04:00
Xavi Artigas 55bd097a3d Efl.Gfx.Entity (from Efl.Gfx)

Reviewed-by: Cedric Bail <>
2018-04-24 09:03:32 -07:00
Amitesh Singh 10103b9b45 efl.gfx: move scale{} from efl.ui.base to efl.gfx 2017-12-04 14:38:39 +09:00
Jean-Philippe Andre 8803040484 evas: Implement scale API in proper EO fashion
This removes the internal function pointer for scale_update. This makes
all relevant classes implement the scale API in EO.

This removes the duplicate function in Efl.Canvas.Object and only uses
the one from Efl.Ui.Base interface.

This *seems* to be working as expected. Fingers crossed!

PS: I don't like the name Efl.Ui.Base. It's an interface for a few
common API's between Gfx, Canvas and UI levels... Maybe scale simply
doesn't belong there.
2017-11-30 10:48:24 +09:00
Carsten Haitzler 75daddc839 Revert "Edje: use textblock by default"
This reverts commit ef3d2120bf.

This breaks E. pager ono my right screen looks like:

on my left screen shellf keeps swapping between 2 dizes wobbling back
and forth every frame eating cpu and making it "blurry"...

note - theme is the flat one in devs/raster/theme/flat2 branch. so
this change certainly breaks something...
2017-11-11 12:10:32 +09:00
Daniel Hirt ef3d2120bf Edje: use textblock by default
As most of you know, TEXT part was, up to this point, an Evas.Text

This patch merges TEXT and TEXTBLOCK both to use Efl.Canvas.Text.
Code is added to emulate what TEXT did that TEXTBLOCK did not.

I believe we can move forward with TEXT, and deperacate TEXTBLOCK from
the EDC. You can also set markup to TEXT parts.

Exactness seems to show some differences, but further examination shows
that it's due to difference in how width is calculated in
Efl.Canvas.Text. The results seem correct.

Be sure to report of any breakage via Phabricator or contact me
I am running E with this and did not stumble upon any crashes or visual

Signed-off-by: Cedric BAIL <>
2017-11-10 10:30:09 -08:00
Daniel Hirt c7b2372ffb Edje: move textblock handling to a separate source
Signed-off-by: Cedric BAIL <>
2017-11-10 10:30:04 -08:00